Just got in from a great afternoon over at The Pru in Newark, N.J. I'm in Jersey visting family, and my Dad and I took in today's Celtics-Nets game.
We were fortunate enough to sit in some courtside seats right under the basket. When watching the game from that vantage point, you really get an idea of just how intense Kevin Garnett really is. He's constantly calling out defensive advice to his teammates as well as giving them motivation. As cliche as it sounds, he truly is the "heart & soul" of the Celtics.
Here is a sequence my Dad shot of KG going up for a hoop underneath and getting fouled. Just as the clip starts, you here him trying to urge the ball into the hoop by yelling "Awwwwww..!" Then, as the shot falls-out, he loudly exclaims "F*CK!!" You can clearly hear the C's fans around us burst out in laughter.
It was just a fantastic experience today to spend some time with my Dad, see the game from close-up and watch the Celtics absolutely kick ass.
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