KG Watch: At the Buzzer!

I know I haven’t written about the Wolves much lately, but I kind of take the stance of "If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all" when it comes to my teams.  Yes, there are several Wolves players who are working their butts off and showing a level of dedication you can’t help but tip your hat to, but overall, there’s a whole lot of issues this team has to deal with and I just don’t feel like getting into them right now. 

So on a brighter note…  Kevin Garnett… Wow!  The moment you start feeling glum after checking out the Wolves standings at 1-10, just take a peek over to the Easter Conference and check out the Celtics flying high at 11-1!  If that doesn’t put at least a smirk on your face, you obviously didn’t live through the KG era in Minnesota. Truth be told, I’d gladly see the Wolves go 8-74, if the C’s go 74-8.  That might not be the politically correct thing to bring up, but the Wolves could use a good draft pick, and it would be incredibly satisfying to watch Kevin have that kind of success. 

Let me tell you something, if you haven’t ordered NBA League Pass yet, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.  For example, tonight I got to watch KG put up 23, 11, and 5. To top it off, the Celtics were down 93-95 with 4.7 seconds to go and Charlotte was inbounding on the Celtics side of the court.  What happens?  Eddie House knocks away Jason Richardson’s inbounds pass, Pierce comes up with the ball and has the presence of mind to find a wide open Ray Allen, who drains a three at the buzzer!  Watching KG leap through the air, charge down the court, and jump into a pile-on full of joy is something I haven’t seen in a good four seasons.  After enduring the past three years, it did me a whole lot of good to see that. 

For several months after the trade, I kind of had the "happy for KG, but sad that he’s not here" vibe going on.  That’s completely gone now.  I’m just happy for KG and I’m happy for myself because I get to see him win.  I don’t care that he’s not doing it in a Wolves jersey.  Nights like tonight just weren’t going to happen for him here, and nights like tonight make that 1-10 over in the standing for the T-Wolves much, much less painful.  In many ways we’re all better off.  Garnett gets to be relevant again and possibly win a title.  The Wolves get a chance to rebuild and maybe draft another superstar this spring.  And us, we get to experience both of those things at the same time…  If you’ve got League Pass, that is.

So seriously, get League Pass.  The Timberwolves are 1-10, and it’s much cheaper than a therapist. 

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