Halo Headlines: A-Rod for Wells trade rumors gain steam, Pujols had knee surgery, Sorrento hired as minor league hitting coordinator

The October 19th, 2012 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim including A-Rod for Wells trade rumors gain steam, Pujols had knee surgery, Sorrento hired as minor league hitting coordinator and much more…

The Story: Bob Nightengale believes that an Alex Rodriguez-Vernon Wells trade makes the most sense for both sides.

The Monkey Says: I gave my opinion on this whole thing yesterday, but now the idea is getting national attention.  It is also just speculation, so don't get too excited… or upset depending on where you come down on this divisive issue.  A-Rod says he won't waive his no-trade clause for anyone, but it is pretty clear that this story isn't going away anytime soon.  Ugh.

The Story: Albert Pujols underwent minor knee surgery last week.

The Monkey Says: It was just a "clean up" apparently, so he will be fine.  However, this does reveal that the "calf injury" that was supposedly bothering him the last six weeks of the season was really more of a knee problem and nobody bothered to inform us.

The Story: Paul Sorrento was hired as the Angels minor league hitting coordinator.

The Monkey Says: Dipoto continues to overhaul the minor league coaching staff.  I just hope that Sorrento doesn't try and send any of the minor leaguers through a clubhouse drop ceiling to swap out a confiscated corked bat like he did for Albert Belle.

The Story: The Angels should resist the temptation of Alex Rodriguez.

The Monkey Says: Is he really that tempting?  He has a big name but he isn't a star caliber player anymore.  The only way he is tempting is if he is basically free.

The Story: Jerry Dipoto wants to have an idea on whether or not Zack Greinke will return by the World Series, but realizes he probably won't get that resolved that quickly.

The Monkey Says: Like I have been saying, he is the first domino.  Whichever way he falls will dictate the path the Angels' off-season takes.

The Story: A look at how today's star players were graded as prospects, featuring Mike Trout.

The Monkey Says: The fact that he was once a B+ should not be seen as a failure.  Trout was overlooked by plenty of people and I have to think that a big part of the lesser grade is that nobody saw him having the kind of power that he has already displayed in the majors.

The Story: Vernon Wells is rated the third-most immovable player.

The Monkey Says: And A-Rod is listead as #1, yet somehow people think that they can be traded for each other with the greatest of ease.  I realize that these rankings are mostly meaningless, but it shows that these kind of deals are incredibly difficult to make happen.  Then again, Vernon Wells got moved once.  Maybe it can happen again?

The Story: A summary of each team's disabled list usage in 2012.

The Monkey Says: The Angels come in as about average, but that list doesn't capture the productivity lost due to players playing through injuries, which the Angels had quite a bit of.

The Story: Eddie Yost, the first ever Angel to record a plate appearance, has passed away.

The Monkey Says: Condolences.

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