Halo Headlines: Pujols ready to turn the page on Cardinals, the value of J.B.Shuck

Halo Headlines: Pujols ready to turn the page on Cardinals, the value of J.B.Shuck

The July 3rd, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Pujols ready to turn the page on Cardinals, the value of J.B.Shuck and much more…

The Story: Albert Pujols is ready to turn the page on his time in St. Louis.

The Monkey Says: Good for him, but he should probably know that the St. Louis fans aren't ready to turn the page on him and probably won't be for another 50 years.

The Story: J.B. Shuck, discarded Astro turned valuable Angel

The Monkey Says: I've been slow to come around on Shuck and I still kind of think he is just another version of Reggie Willits, but he is getting the job done for now. I'd probably feel better about him if he were a better fielder though. What I will be curious to see though is if the An gels platoon him while Peter Bourjos is out, which I fear they won't because I think he has earned an undue amount of trust this season.

The Story: A graphic comparing Albert Pujols as an Angel versus the combined production of St. Louis first baseman since 2012.

The Monkey Says: This says a lot about Albert's fall from grace but also says a lot about how ridiculous the Cardinals are at developing talent.

The Story: A touching story aed bout Albert Pujols hosting a charity function along with his Down Syndrome affected daughter.

The Monkey Says: Call me cynical, but it sure seems like great timing for this story to come out in a week where there will be hundreds of unflattering things written about him in the national and St. Louis-based media.

The Story: Albert Pujols needs to admit that he only signed with the Angels because of the money.

The Monkey Says: Here is the thing about Cardinal fans, they insist they remember Albert fondly and that they no longer harbor ill will towards him, yet they still won't let a lot of this go. It is OK to be mad, Cardinals fans. Just admit it. Nobody would blame you. You can't say your not mad anymore and then demand he admit to just being greedy because you don't want to accept the idea that there might have been other reasons he left St. Louis.

The Story: Should we be worried about Mark Trumbo's poor month of June.

The Monkey Says: Worried? No. We just need to adjust our expectations for Trumbo. He has spoiled us the last two seasons with insanely hot starts that were buoyed by unsustainable BABIPs. He is always going to be a streaky player and over the course of the season he will even out to be pretty good, maybe not an All-Star, but pretty good. He'll make the adjustments he needs to make and get it going again before long. He is too much of a student of hitting and too hard of a worker not to slump much longer, assuming he isn't hiding an injury.

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