Halo Headlines: Aybar and Madson head out on rehab assignments. the curious lack of stolen bases by the Angels

Halo Headlines: Aybar and Madson head out on rehab assignments. the curious lack of stolen bases by the Angels

The April 25th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Aybar and Madson head out on rehab assignments. the curious lack of stolen bases by the Angels and much more…

The Story: Erick Aybar and Ryan Madson both were sent out to extended spring training to begin rehab assignments.

The Monkey Says: Aybar is hoping to play a game or two and join the team in Seattle this weekend, but he might wait until the Oakland series based on reports from yesterday. The more interesting news here is that Ryan Madson will supposedly be pitching in live games for the first time in his rehab, however he also reportedly didn't throw a scheduled simulated game earlier this week, so he may not be all the way back to where he was before his latest setback. Let's hope that this turns out to be more of a real step forward though because the Angels badly need another quality right in the bullpen as soon as humanly possible.

The Story: Why are the Angels not stealing more bases?

The Monkey Says: This is actually a big question across all of baseball. For reasons that nobody seems to fully understand, stolen bases are down markedly across the league, so this isn't an isolated issue with the Halos. That being said, the Angels have been conservative of late in my eyes. Specifically, the team seems reluctant to put Peter Bourjos on the move, especially Monday night when he had a leadoff single and then declined to try and steal his way into scoring position, which is pretty infuriating. In their defense, the Angels have hit-and-run quite a bit, so they aren't remaining stagnant.

The Story: Kevin Jepsen is receiving treatment in Arizona but won't pick up a ball until next week at the earliest.

The Monkey Says: The fact that there is a plan at all is encouraging but let's not celebrate until he actually starts throwing again. Then again, I don't imagine ever celebrating anything in relation to Kevin Jepsen anytime in the near future.

The Story: Buster Olney speculates the Angels might be desperate enough for relief help to trade for embattled Boston releiver Alfredo Aceves.

The Monkey Says: NOPE. No, thank you. Not interested. Pass. Move along. Don't want any. Aceves is a bleeping nightmare. Not only is Aceves a complete psychopath, but he also is a crap pitcher. Even if he is virtually free, the Angels shouldn't even think about acquiring him.

The Story: Time Warner will carry up to 63 Spanish-language TV broadcasts of Angels games.

The Monkey Says: Es muy bueno. No es mejor pero dado los Ángeles más exposición en el mercado hispano que podría ser un buen impulso financiero para el equipo.

The Story: Do the Angels need to pad the left field wall in lieu of Mike Trout getting banged up after crashing into it on Monday?

The Monkey Says: Probably, but I say tell him that it won't get padded until he signs a 10-year contract extension with the team. If he refuses to do so, the metal fence gets replaced with razor wire.

The Story: All-Star voting has begun.

The Monkey Says: I implore you to vote for anyone you want with the exception of Albert Pujols. It sure looks like he is going to need those few days off to rest his aching feet.

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