Halo Headlines: Calhoun to return Tuesday, Moreno to help pick next commissioner

<![CDATA[The May 16th, 2014 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Calhoun to return Tuesday, Moreno to help pick next commissioner and much more…

The Story: Kole Calhoun will begin a rehab assignment in Salt Lake today with a targeted return to the majors of Tuesday.
The Monkey Says: That is great news. Even though Calhoun had only just started playing well when he got hurt, having him in the lineup will stabilize the leadoff spot and remove the need to have inexperienced players in left field.

The Story: Arte Moreno is part of a seven-man committee appointed to select the next commissioner.
The Monkey Says: Not to be cynical, but I have to assume having a minority on the committee was considered a must. The real question now is who will the committee pick? It will probably be another crony of the owners or just someone already high up in the league office. There are some fascinating options out there, but those are very idealistic selections that don’t consider that the commissioner’s main job it protect the financial interests of the owners and not “the betterment of the game.”

The Story: Dane De La Rosa is dealing with inflammation in his shoulder but it is not believed to be serious.
The Monkey Says: They keep saying that, but he keeps not getting better. There is no word yet on what is next for De La Rosa, so we can only assume he will rest for a bit before starting the rehab process all over again.

The Story: Mike Trout tweaked his stance mid-game Wednesday.
The Monkey Says: He believes it will work for him, let’s hope he is right.

The Story: Albert Pujols says the Angels are “right where we want to be.”
The Monkey Says: In second place in the AL West? C’mon, dream a little bigger, Albert. I’m glad that the Halos are feeling good about their season so far, but let’s not act like things are going exactly according to plan.

The Story: Garrett Richards continues to impress.
The Monkey Says: But it continues to look like he is pitching over his head. What we don’t know is how far over his head.

The Story: Albert Pujols and Mike Trout may be trending upward again.
The Monkey Says: Although it appears Albert’s legs are ailing him after all those games on that lousy surface in Toronto. I think Trout might be on his way back, but I’ll believe Pujols is trending upward again when he stops hitting so many damned grounders.

The Story: Keith Law presents his first mock draft.
The Monkey Says: He has the Angels picking a catcher/first baseman, but he also says they could go with college starting pitching or a below slot reliever. In other words, he isn’t really sure and I don’t think anyone really is. Personally, I think the Angels will do what they can to try and hit a home run with the pick since it is the first they have had in years and will likely be their highest selection for several years.

The Story: On Mike Trout and strikeouts.
The Monkey Says: Aren’t we done with this topic yet? The horse is dead, let’s leave it alone for a few weeks and see if Trout can’t reverse the trend before we resume the beating.]]>

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