Halo Headlines: frustrations boil over, Hanson returns, Burnett to the DL

Halo Headlines: frustrations boil over, Hanson returns, Burnett to the DL

The April 29th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including frustrations boil over in the clubhouse, Hanson returns, Burnett to the DL and much more…

The Story: Frustrations boiled over in the Angel clubhouse after they dropped their series in Seattle.

The Monkey Says: That frustration was memorialized in this GIF. It is also memorialized in my ulcer. I really don't even know what to say anymore. This was a huge series for the Angels to turn things around and they did the opposite. As much as I keep telling myself that it is still early, that excuse just isn't going to fly much longer.

The Story: Sean Burnett has been placed on the disabled list with more tightness in his forearm.

The Monkey Says: When it rains, it pours.

The Story: Tommy Hanson has been activated from the bereavement list and will start tonight.

The Monkey Says: It was Hanson's 24-year old stepbrother who passed away. That is just tragic. Hanson sounds glad to be at work, but it would be understandable if his performance tonight was affected. Condolences to the families.

The Story: Ryan Madson has not faced hitters since April 19th.

The Monkey Says: It looks like the reports that he was heading to extended spring training games in Arizona was erroneous. Madson just can't past this hurdle. Once upon a time, he was supposed to be ready Opening Day, then it was by May 1st, now it might be June 1st if at all. Is anything going right for the Halos?

The Story: The Angels traded catcher Chris Snyder to Baltimore for pitcher Rob Delaney.

The Monkey Says: Great idea. Why would the Angels want organizational depth. It isn't like a lack of organizational depth is killing their bullpen, right? Delaney a 28-year old righty reliever who is stingy with walks and used to be able to strike people out even though he doesn't throw hard. Dipoto seemed to do well when he scooped up Dane De La Rosa, maybe Delaney will prove to be useful too.

The Story: Asking MLB executives if they'd rather build a franchise around Mike Trout or Bryce Harper.

The Monkey Says: Morosi chose Harper for bullshit narrative reasons, so we know for sure then that Trout is the true correct answer.

The Story: The Angels are opening a new facility in the Dominican Republic.

The Monkey Says: If there is one thing that Dipoto has unequivocally done right in his tenure it is getting the Angels re-established in international scouting.

The Story: Peter Bourjos has adjusted to try and hit more groundballs.

The Monkey Says: It is working for him so far as he is racking up the infield hits. He is due for some regression though as even someone with his speed is going to have a hard time maintaining a .379 BABIP, unless that someone is MIke Trout and even that might be a tall order.

The Story: The Angels are already stumping to get Howie Kendrick a Gold Glove.

The Monkey Says: They pick someone every year, I guess it is Howie's turn.

The Story: Jerry Dipoto talks about "The Want To."

The Monkey Says: I don't know if I missed this months ago or just forgot about writing about it, but Dipoto basically ascribes to Hawk Harrelson's infamous TWTW statement, even though Jerry is into sabermetrics. He obviously talked about it in a more rational way, but I think it just boils down to him having a preference for guys with a strong work ethic. When not taken to an extreme like Hawk takes it, I see no problem with that. I would think most players have a very strong work ethic to advance to the majors, but perhaps when it comes down to scouting prospects, I can see work ethic being a major issue.

The Story: Steve Springer, who worked with Mark Trumbo, helps teach the mental side of hitting.

The Monkey Says: Very interesting stuff and something I think that sheds a lot of light on how Mark Trumbo has developed himself into a very good all-around hitter.

The Story: The wild life of former Angel George Brunet.

The Monkey Says: You're not going to believe this, but there was an Angel player in the 1960's that liked to drink and party. I'm sure he had a hard time fitting in.

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