Halo Headlines: Dipoto looking to win now and later, Santiago to increase use of screwball

Halo Headlines: Dipoto looking to win now and later, Santiago to increase use of screwball

The March 3rd, 2014 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Dipoto looking to win now and later, Santiago to increase his use of screwball and much more…

The Story: Jerry Dipoto is not looking to sacrifice the future to save his job now.

The Monkey Says: Assuming that would save his job. It really all depends on what the marching orders from Moreno are. If he wanted Jerry to rebuild at the same time as trying to contend, then Jerry is trying to save his job. If Arte wanted him to foresake the future to go for it all now, then Dipoto is actually sacrificing winning now to build for the future and putting his job on the line in the process. We just don't know. The best we have to go on is that, as far as we know, Moreno has yet to pick up Dipoto's option for 2015.

The Story: Hector Santiago plans to feature his screwball more this year.

The Monkey Says: If it works, great. I just don't want to see him fall in love with a subpar pitch just because it is such a novelty. I haven't really seen it enough to pass judgment, but this is the time of year where every pitcher suddenly has a new offspeed pitch that they can't wait to use only to realize three weeks later that the pitch is no good.

The Story: Jered Weaver's new routine is paying off.

The Monkey Says: Weaver is working on stretching and getting more flexible. His fastball was sitting at 87 MPH, so that seems like a good sign as usually it takes pitchers more time to build up velocity. Yes, that qualifies as "built up"for Weaver.

The Story: Fox Sports West does not plan to greatly expand their Angels coverage in response to the Dodgers getting their own network.

The Monkey Says: At least for now, just wait until they see the ratings for all the Pac-12 baseball they are going to show to fill the holes in the schedule the Dodgers left.

The Story: J.B. Shuck is not a lock to make the Opening Day roster.

The Monkey Says: SQUEEEEEE!!! Since Shuck has options left and lacks defensive value, he could get squeezed off the roster. A few things in his favor though are that he doesn't have much of a platoon split and he runs well. However, if there is concern about Hamilton's health, the Halos might need to carry Cowgill just to have coverage in center field should they need it.

The Story: Howie Kendrick was not bothered by the trade rumors this offseason.

The Monkey Says: Howie isn't the sort to admit it if he was bothered, but he has been through that process enough in his career that he probably has grown numb to it.

The Story: Joe Blanton is working to add more deception to his delivery.

The Monkey Says: Now opposing batters will be slightly surprised when he groves an 88 MPH fastball down the middle. They'll still clobber it, but it will take them a fraction of a second longer than it used to to realize that a big fat meatball is coming their way.

The Story: Josh Hamilton talks about how the issues with moving his family to California may have affected him last year.

The Monkey Says: He still says it was mostly physical issues that caused his slump, but the problems finding a home for his family certainly didn't help. With his home life settled and his body back in shape, Hamilton is fresh out of excuses if he can't perform this year.

The Story: C.J. Wilson answers baseball trivia questions while flying in a stunt plane.

The Monkey Says: Um, I'm going to go ahead and say that this flight probably was not something the uniform player contract typically allows for.

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