Halo Headlines: estimating a Trout contract extension, the inefficient Angels pitching staff

Halo Headlines: estimating a Trout contract extension, the inefficient Angels pitching staff

The July 9th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including estimating a Trout contract extension, the inefficient Angels pitching staff and much more…

The Story: The zillion dollar question that is a potential Mike Trout contract extension.

The Monkey Says: The question that is posed is how much would your offer but I am wondering if the answer isn't just going to Mike and his agent and asking him to name his price. At this point, the Angels shouldn't do anything (well, anything else) to risk Trout hitting free agency where he could make $300 million. Of course, Trout might know that and never accept a deal knowing that he has a monster payday coming his way no matter what, so long as he stay healthy.

The Story: The Angels have one of the least efficient pitching staffs in all of baseball.

The Monkey Says: Wilson and Hanson are definitely nibblers which have cause that P/IP rate to spike. They are more middle of the pack though on a pitch per plate appearance view. That suggests that part of the problem is that they just aren't very good, so they face more batters and have longer innings more than they have long at-bats. Basically, it is the Joe Blanton allowing a hit every single inning effect.

The Story: Josh Hamilton made the 2013 All-Collapse All-Stars.

The Monkey Says: And the 2013 All-Star Disappointment Team. This is fun.

The Story: The AL West All-Star team.

The Monkey Says: With the way Trumbo is playing lately, I am in a minor state of shock that there isn't a better option in the AL West in left field.

The Story: Alberto Callaspo is amongst the trade candidates at third base for this coming deadline.

The Monkey Says: It probably won't happen though with the Angels threatening to crest over .500 before the All-Star break. A long losing streak could change all that though.

The Story: Introducing the Adam Dunn Hat Trick.

The Monkey Says: It turns out that Trumbo might be the second coming.

The Story: GIFs of the best diving catches of 2013 so far.

The Monkey Says: It is a slow news day, so enjoy some Mike Trout defense porn.

The Story: The Angels' catching conundrum.

The Monkey Says: Is it really a conundrum? Why can't they just share? They would seem to make a perfect platoon offensively and while Conger's defense has improved, it still isn't proven. Similarly, Iannetta has typically been better than he has shown behind the plate this year. There is also the small issue that both players have had major durability issues throughout their career, so giving either one of them a large majority of playing time seems like a mistake.

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