Halo Headlines: Madson won’t rejoin team for several weeks, the Trout-Harper-Machado debate

Halo Headlines: Madson won't rejoin team for several weeks, the Trout-Harper-Machado debate

The May 16th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Madson won't rejoin team for several weeks, the Trout-Harper-Machado debate and much more…

The Story: Ryan Madson is moving his rehab to Triple-A for what could be a short stint or "a couple weeks."

The Monkey Says: There was some thought he would be activated yesterday, but now the team appears to be proceeding with caution with Madson. The problem is that they are sending mixed signals about just how long they are going to keep him in the minors as there were some comments suggesting it could be for a few days and others stating it could be several weeks. This is just another wrinkle in his already frustrating recovery. Keeping him out longer might be best though since Madson reportedly was sitting at just 92 MPH in his first rehab outing. He clearly has some rust to work off and it better off doing that in Salt Lake than during games that count. Sure, the Angel bullpen needs help, but not as urgently as they did a few weeks ago.

The Story: Why does the Trout-Harper-(and now) Machado debate have to exist?

The Monkey Says: Thank you! How long have I been saying this? I get the historical significance of having such young players doing so well at the same time, but it doesn't need to be a contentious issue. All three are great. We don't need a Thunderdome death match to determine who is the best. They aren't rivals in any way, shape or form. Stop it, America.

The Story: Arte Moreno said he thought Torii Hunter was going to return to the Angels on a one-year deal.

The Monkey Says: This was lost in his comments about Scioscia being safe. It is kind of weird to hear that given the rumor that the Angels only offered Hunter $5 million and then pled poverty when he wanted more. If that is the case, then Moreno was either mislead by Dipoto or Hunter is lying about the offer. Then again, Hunter also did at one point say money would not be the reason he didn't return to the Angels, so….

The Story: Albert Pujols doesn't want to blame his struggles on his leg injuries.

The Monkey Says: He doesn't want to, but he basically does so anyway. He just didn't want to do it even though he readily admits the health issues are affecting him. I know that doesn't make sense, but neither does playing him at first base when he has knee and foot problems.

The Story: The Angels are big losers in the early season best-worst department as the surprisingly worst team and owner of the worst free agent signing in Josh Hamilton.

The Monkey Says: Plus they get extra credit for being mentioned in the ridiculous Scioscia-Mattingly trade idea. Other than the season is going great.

The Story: A look at Joe Blanton's FIP-defying start against the Royals.

The Monkey Says: The Angels actually are finding new, rare ways to lose. So they have that going for them too.

The Story: Josh Hamilton's swing zone as a constellation.

The Monkey Says: This is becoming a series which is just perfect. I bet if he went through enough games he could find a swing zone that looks like an Escher drawing.

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