Halo Headlines: Pujols won’t play in games until mid-March, Rangers fans to give Hamilton the silent treatment

Halo Headlines: Pujols won't play in games until mid-March, Rangers fans to give Hamilton the silent treatment

The February 21st, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Pujols won't play in games until mid-March, Rangers fans to give Hamilton the silent treatment and much more…

The Story: Albert Pujols will not appear in Cactus League games until mid-March at the earliest.

The Monkey Says: Most guys like Pujols don't play in games the first week or two anyway, so this isn't that big of a deal so long as he actually does start playing in game by that designated deadline.

The Story: Some Rangers fans are planning on giving Josh Hamilton the silent treatment when he return to Arlington.

The Monkey Says: You know what? I actually like this plan. I think maybe Texas fans are overreacting to his comments, but by not booing him or holding up offensive signs or anything like that they are taking the high road. The silent treatment is a great way to show your displeasure without being overly disrespectful.

The Story: Sean Burnett's back is already starting to feel better.

The Monkey Says: That's great. Now, let's hope he wises up and has someone else do the grocery shopping from now on.

The Story: The Angels will be auditioning PA announcers during their first several spring games to replace the late David Courtney.

The Monkey Says: Ugh. I had forgotten about Courtney's passing. What a bummer.

The Story: How every team went about fixing their biggest hole from 2012.

The Monkey Says: Really, the bigger issue for the Angels isn't getting a better back-up, it is getting Iannetta to stay healthy so that the back-up catcher isn't used so damned much.

The Story: Some interesting non-roster invitees in the AL, including Brendan Harris.

The Monkey Says: So you're saying that Brendan Harris is going to make the team and not hit a lick in April, just like Albert Pujols. Got it!

The Story: A look at which teams drafted the players that eventually got nine-figure contracts.

The Monkey Says: The Halos have two such players on their roster, but never actually developed such a player… at least until Trout gets his mega-deal in the next few years.

The Story: The Angels are impressed thus far with reliever Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

The Monkey Says: Don't get your hopes up yet, this reeks of the team just saying nice things about a guy to give him some confidence and motivation.

The Story: Kole Calhoun is hoping to win a bench job.

The Monkey Says: He's definitely qualified, but I think he'll lose out to Hall or Harris because of their ability to play multiple positions. I'm sure the team probably wants to get Calhoun regular ABs as well which is not going to happen in Anaheim unless someone gets hurt.

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