Halo Headlines: Richards on track in recovery, Howie Kendrick trade possibilities


The November 4th, 2014 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Richards on track in recovery, Howie Kendrick trade possibilities and much more…

The Story: Garrett Richards is on track in his recovery so far.
The Monkey Says: He’s off crutches, but he still has a long way to go. Still, he has a good shot at being ready for Opening Day, so this is good news. If this was a Ryan Madson or Sean Burnett rehab update, this would normally be the point where the story would be about how he suffered a setback or had his leg amputated or something.

The Story: A look at some Howie Kendrick trade possibilities.
The Monkey Says: I was disappointed to learn that the “Uggla deal” scenario wasn’t actually a derogatory term. Instead, it is probably just an unrealistic trade scenario since the original Uggla deal didn’t exactly work out real well for the Barves.

The Story: Fangraphs named Clayton Kershaw their Player of the Year.
The Monkey Says: Ironically, this was an award Fangraphs conjured up a few years ago in the wake of Trout being snubbed for the real MVP award. So, this is a little awkward.

The Story: Mike Trout is an evolving MVP by any metric.
The Monkey Says: Wait, the statheads snub Trout and an old school BBWAA member picks Trout? What is going on here? Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

The Story: A recap of the AFL All-Star Game.
The Monkey Says: If anyone is looking for some hope to cling to in relation to Kaleb Cowart, here it is. It just isn’t much.

The Story: The first round of results is available for the Angels Fan Favorites Awards.
The Monkey Says: In which they try to dub Garrett Richards the “Whiff Wizard.” I mean… ugh.

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