Halo Headlines: Trout on pace to join exclusive club, Field optioned to minors

Halo Headlines: Trout on pace to join exclusive club, Field optioned to minors

The September 12th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Trout on pace to join exclusive club, Field optioned to minors and much more…

The Story: Mike Trout could be the only player ever to have 200 hits, 25 homers, 30 steals and 100 runs in their age 21 or younger season.

The Monkey Says: You know, I'm starting to think this kid might be good. He's no J.B. Shuck, but still pretty good.

The Story: Tommy Field was optioned to Triple-A on Tuesday.

The Monkey Says: You don't often see players demoted in September, but the Salt Lake Bees needed some infield depth for the playoff series, so Field was sent down to help their effort. He should be back soon.

The Story: Andrew Romine recently returned to switch-hitting.

The Monkey Says: He couldn't hit before he quite switch-hitting. He couldn't hit when he stopped switch-hitting. He has been hot since he started switch-hitting again, but we all know that is just a fluke.

The Story: Jim Eppard has been working with Josh Hamilton to simplify his swing and approach.

The Monkey Says: Hambone has been kind of hot lately, but I'm not buying it. It is nice to see that he is still working on things and not just stubbornly sticking to his old approach, but he has been too bad for too long for me to be convinced by two good weeks that he is suddenly fixed.

The Story: Mike Butcher credits improved maturity for Garrett RIchards' success in the rotation.

The Monkey Says: For years the whispers from Angel camp were that Richards had a bad attitude about his role and griped when he got sent down to the minors. He should be better than that, but the organization should've also treated him more even-handedly and not jerked with his role so much. Either way, he seems to be in a good place now and is finally pitching at a high level.

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