Halo Headlines: Trumbo the most damaging home run hitter of 2013, misunderstanding why coaches are fired

Halo Headlines: Trumbo the most damaging home run hitter of 2013, misunderstanding why coaches are fired

The October 14th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Trumbo the most damaging home run hitter of 2013, misunderstanding why coaches are fired and much more…

The Story: Mark Trumbo was the most damaging home run hitter of 2013.

The Monkey Says: In layman's terms, he is a brutal serial killer of baseballs. He is the Hannibal Lecter of sluggers and apparently Jerome Williams is the… whoa. I'm going to stop right there before I make a Mark Whicker-esque joke.

The Story: Many Angel fans misunderstand why Picciolo and Eppard were fired.

The Monkey Says: A common refrain echoed in these letters and elsewhere is that somehow those two are being blamed for the failed season. They aren't. They are being fired because the team wants to make changes but not totally clean house. Kicking those two to the curb gives them a chance to bring in two new voices and minds into the coaching fold and clubhouse mix. If anything, it shows that Picciolo and Eppard were considered the most expendable.

The Story: Joe Blanton was one of the "unluckiest" pitchers in baseball according to xFIP.

The Monkey Says: This is because xFIP assumes a league average BABIP, but Blanton's was sky high. Presumably that means bad luck, but the history of Blanton's BABIP suggests only a small amount of it was luck, if any at all. This is what happens when you just throw the ball down the middle in order to avoid walking people.

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