Angels Player Power Rankings – Week 10

Some roster turnover created some havoc in the middle of the rankings this week, but fret not, the top of the rankings went largely unchanged as they likely will for the next ten years if Mike Trout and Mark Trumbo keep up their respective levels of performance.

As always, the rankings are based on a player’s overall season performance with a weight on recent performance.

1 Mike Trout green arrow up+1
Last Week: 2
Mike TroutTrout just had an incredible week, a week that would be an incredible month for most players.  He also had the foresight to act like he might be injured when he crashed into the wall on Sunday lest somebody start to suspect that he is actually a cyborg.
2 Mark Trumbo Red arrow down1
Last Week: 1
Mark Trumbo – He recovered nicely from his 4-strikeout performance by having his first ever two-homer game… and then did it again to close out the week.  I’m starting to think this kid might be pretty good.
3 C.J. Wilson — 0
Last Week: 3
C.J. Wilson – Even though he was only just voted “most overrated” pitcher, we are already approaching the point where he is so overrated that he might be underrated.
4 Albert Pujols green arrow up+2
Last Week: 6
Albert Pujols – Even though he has been on fire during the Angels current road-winning streak, his road OPS is still under .700 for the season.
5 Ernesto Frieri Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 4
Ernesto Frieri – Frieri gave up another hit.  Uh oh, I think he might be in a slump, you guys.
6 Scott Downs Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 5
Scott Downs – Scott Downs gave up a run!  Alert the media!!!  Oh, right, the media has consistently failed to notice how spectacular Downs has been the last several seasons.  Maybe we should just alert them to that.
7 Torii Hunter green arrow up+5
Last Week: 12
Torii Hunter – Hey, remember a month ago when I suggested Torii Hunter get moved into the two-hole?  That was a pretty good idea, right?  Not that I’m bragging or anything.
8 Kendrys Morales green arrow up+1
Last Week: 9
Kendrys Morales – I hereby rescind that little 250-pound slap-hitter remark I made about Kendrys in this space last week.  Umm, my bad.
9 Dan Haren Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 7
Dan Haren – It sure looks like Haren is still battling back issues.  This does not make me feel warm and fuzzy about Jered Weaver when he returns from his own back problems.
10 Howie Kendrick green arrow up+1
Last Week: 11
Howie Kendrick – Don’t be alarmed, but Howie Kendrick had multiple RBIs this week!  Amazingly, the sky did not turn red and frogs and locusts did not start to rain from the sky.  Don’t worry though, Kendrick still hasn’t registered in extra-base hit in over a month.
11 Alberto Callaspo Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 10
Alberto Callaspo – It is exciting that his average and OBP are on the rise, but it is not so exciting that it is mid-June and he has five extra-base hits the entire season.
12 Jerome Williams Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 8
Jerome WilliamsWilliams has fallen into a pattern of one bad start, followed by four very good starts.  As a fifth starter or even a fourth starter, that is something the Angels can more than live with.  Now, if only they could get Ervin Santana to follow suit.
13 LaTroy Hawkins — 0
Last Week: n/a
LaTroy Hawkins – The return of Hawkins stands to give the Angels one of the deepest back ends of the bullpen in the AL.  No pressure or anything.
14 Garrett Richards green arrow up+10
Last Week: 24
Garrett Richards – Do you feel that, Ervin Santana?  That’s Garrett Richards breathing down your neck.
15 Jason Isringhausen green arrow up+3
Last Week: 18
Jason Isringhausen – All Isringhausen does is pitch very well in games in which the Angels are either up by five our down by four.  It’s a living.
16 Peter Bourjos Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 13
Peter Bourjos – I suspect we’ll be seeing Bourjos’ face on a milk carton before we see it in the Angels lineup again.
17 John Hester — 0
Last Week: 17
John Hester – He might have the emptiest .739 OPS I have ever seen.
18 Hank Conger green arrow up+4
Last Week: 22
Hank CongerIt sure didn’t take long for Hank to find his way into Scioscia’s doghouse, did it?  One ugly pitch block attempt and he doesn’t get a single start in the Rockies series.
19 Jordan Walden Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 15
Jordan Walden – Throwing in the high 90’s must be great because Waldo has been mostly awful this season yet his ERA remains shockingly respectable.
20 Erick Aybar Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 16
Erick Aybar – He keeps getting bumped up in the rankings by default, but with this neverending slump now extending into the field as well, I think it is high time he get buried in the rankings.  Hopefully, Scioscia can follow suit and bury him on the bench.
21 Ervin Santana Red arrow down-7
Last Week: 14
Ervin Santana – Ervin Santana is a murderer of fun and destroyer of large leads.
22 Maicer Izturis Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 20
Maicer Izturis – There is never a situation in which it is OK to have your OBP be 61 points higher than your slugging percentage.
23 Hisanori Takahashi Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 19
Hisanori Takahashi – I’m no Taka fan, but his making just one appearance in a series against Seattle and their almost entirely left-handed lineup was one of the more puzzling aspects of Mike Scioscia’s bullpen usage last week.
24 Kole Calhoun Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 21
Kole Calhoun – Yes, he is still on the roster.  Thanks for asking.
25 David Carpenter — 0
Last Week: 25
David Carpenter – The Halos finally found a role for Carpenter, cleaning up after Bobby Cassevah’s mess.

Biggest Riser: Garrett Richards, up 10 spots

Biggest Dropper: Ervin Santana, down 7 spots

Added to the rankings: Hank Conger (promoted), LaTroy Hawkins (activated from DL)

Dropped from rankings: Bobby Wilson (concussion DL), Bobby Cassevah (demoted for being bad at baseball)

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