Angels Player Power Rankings – Week 19

As always, the rankings are based on a player’s overall season performance with a weight on recent performance.

1 Mike Trout — 0
Last Week: 1
Mike TroutIt is funny that when he puts up the numbers of a mere mortal that people start thinking that he is in a slump.  If only the rest of the team was in such a “slump.”
2 Jered Weaver — 0
Last Week: 2
Jered Weaver Not that it was his fault, but Weaver picked a hell of a time to have his winning streak snapped.
3 Albert Pujols — 0
Last Week: 3
Albert PujolsWhat is it about Pujols and months that start with the letter “A”?  Seriously, did the Angels miss something in the instructions when they signed him?  He’s even slumping the field now too.  That just isn’t fair.
4 Torii Hunter green arrow up+1
Last Week: 5
Torii Hunter – Torii is still plenty productive, but with only two homers since June 27th, there is still a lot left to be desired and a lot more left to make it an easy decision for the Angels to re-sign him for next season.
5 Mark Trumbo Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 4
Mark Trumbo – I get the sense that we are slowly creeping back to a place where Trumbo loses playing time to Vernon Wells. Be afraid, be very afraid.
6 Kendrys Morales green arrow up+3
Last Week: 9
Kendrys Morales – Is his recent power surge just Kendrys in a good streak, or are we finally reaching the point where his leg is feeling strong again and he is able to regain his pre-injury form?
7 Zack Greinke — 0
Last Week: 7
Zack Greinke You know what, Jerry.  I take it back, holding off on extension talks with Greinke is absolutely the right way to go right now.
8 Ernesto Frieri green arrow up+2
Last Week: 10
Ernesto Frieri – Having to use Frieri twice in non-save situations pretty much tells you all you need to know about the Angels’ week.
9 Erick Aybar — 0
Last Week: n/a
Erick Aybar – If we knew that Aybar could hit like this after coming off the DL, I would have broken his toe myself back in April.
10 Kevin Jepsen green arrow up+4
Last Week: 14
Kevin Jepsen Call him maybe or call him the only reliable middle reliever in the bullpen.  Either way, it gives me a headache.
11 Howie Kendrick green arrow up+1
Last Week: 12
Howie Kendrick – Kendrick is having his best month so far with an .807 OPS, but it still rings hollow.  That is probably because of his .650 OPS with RISP and .182 average with the bases loaded.
12 Dan Haren Red arrow down-6
Last Week: 6
Dan Haren Oh, c’mon, Danny!  Not you too now!!!  Seriously, how is it possible that so many talented pitchers can all go sideways at the exact same time?
13 Chris Iannetta — 0
Last Week: 13
Chris Iannetta – This means nothing, but Iannetta cERA is over half a run worse than Wilson’s.  I’d appreciate it if everyone made sure that Mike Scioscia and Lyle Spencer never find out about this.
14 C.J. Wilson Red arrow down-6
Last Week: 8
C.J. Wilson – I don’t know what C.J., Butcher and Scioscia came up with in their closed door strategy session, but I think he needs to do the exact opposite in his next start.
15 Alberto Callaspo Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 11
Alberto Callaspo – Since the Angels are in the mode of calling up prospects to help out, maybe it is time to see if Luis Jimenez can’t pitch in a bit at the hot corner since Callaspo is hitting nothing but rock bottom right now.
16 Jerome Williams green arrow up+5
Last Week: 21
Jerome Williams – Jerome allowed one run over 6.2 innings.  Hmm, it is almost like that would be a quality start.  The Angels don’t need any of those, right?
17 Peter Bourjos — 0
Last Week: 17
Peter Bourjos – Exactly as I feared, Wells’ mere presence has relegated Bourjos strictly to pinch-running and defensive replacement duty.
18 Bobby Wilson green arrow up+2
Last Week: 20
Bobby Wilson – Can we repackage whatever was said to Bobby that made him quit Twitter and use it to get Chevy Clarke to do the same?  That would really improve the quality of my life.
19 LaTroy Hawkins Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 15
LaTroy Hawkins – One abysmal appearance and he was never heard from again in the week.  Is he the latest struggling Angel reliever who will find his way to the disabled list with an injury he has been secretly nursing for the last month?
20 Maicer Izturis Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 18
Maicer Izturis – So Josh Kinney throws Maicer Izturis two sliders and makes him look awful.  Then Kinney inexplicably decides to go with the fastball and sends it to the backstop for the walk-off win.  Maicer may be hitting like crap right now, but his Jedi Mind Trick tool still rates out as an 80.
21 Hisanori Takahashi green arrow up+4
Last Week: 25
Hisanori Takahashi – All of the sudden Taka looks the second coming of Billy Wagner.  Go ahead and file that under “too little too late.”
22 Ervin Santana Red arrow down-6
Last Week: 16
Ervin Santana – On one hand, he basically had just one bad inning.  On the other hand, that inning included two more home runs.
23 Vernon Wells green arrow up+1
Last Week: 24
Vernon Wells – I keep trying to write a nice comment about Vernon Wells here, but my blogging software keeps deleting it as either spam or a potential virus.  Weird.
24 Jason Isringhausen Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 22
Jason Isringhausen – Good news, Jason Isringhausen didn’t blow any leads this week.  He only pitched once this week.  I feel like there is a correlation there.
25 David Carpenter Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 23
David Carpenter – Go directly to Triple-A.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.  Do not come back until 2013.

Biggest Riser: Jerome Williams, up five spots

Biggest Dropper: C.J. Wilson, Dan Haren, Ervin Santana all down six spots

Added to the rankings: Erick Aybar (activated from DL)

Dropped from rankings: David Carpenter (racking up frequent flier miles between Anaheim and Salt Lake)

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