Angels Player Power Rankings – Week 21

As always, the rankings are based on a player's overall season performance with a weight on recent performance.

1 Mike Trout — 0
Last Week: 1
Mike TroutHe's still the MVP frontrunner, but he certainly didn't do himself any favors by going cold the same week that he went head-to-head with Miguel Cabrera.
2 Jered Weaver green arrow up+1
Last Week: 3
Jered Weaver False alarm, everyone!  Weaver is just fine.  You can now go about trying to rebuild his Cy Young case.
3 Albert Pujols Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 2
Albert Pujols – If he is a Machine, doesn't that imply that he isn't supposed to break?  Can someone check the warranty because this is really some pretty horrible timing.
4 Torii Hunter — 0
Last Week: 4
Torii Hunter – Maybe it is just a blip, but it sure looks like Hunter got about two decades older this week.
5 Mark Trumbo — 0
Last Week: 5
Mark Trumbo – The Trumbomb drought is over, but Mark's bat still mostly runneth dry right now as he looks for answers to end this slump.
6 Erick Aybar green arrow up+1
Last Week: 7
Erick Aybar – Even with as hot as he has been this month, Scioscia still didn't see fit to put him back in the top of the order even with the hole created by Pujols' absence.
7 Howie Kendrick green arrow up+2
Last Week: 9
Howie Kendrick – Yeah, he had a great weak, but seriously, dude, what's with the weird Hitler-stache?
8 Kendrys Morales Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 6
Kendrys Morales – His huge homer in that crazy Boston game aside, Morales is back on the downslope of his roller coaster season.
9 Zack Greinke green arrow up+4
Last Week: 13
Zack Greinke Now that is the pitcher the Angels thought they acquired.  Too bad it took almost a full month of the two months that the Halos rented him for.
10 Chris Iannetta green arrow up+2
Last Week: 11
Chris Iannetta – You may not know this, but Iannetta translates to "passed ball" in Italian.
11 Ernesto Frieri Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 8
Ernesto Frieri – I mean we all knew that Frieri was going to low the save in the Boston game, right?  Let's just say that the bloom is off the rose.
12 Alberto Callaspo Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 10
Alberto Callaspo – Is he suddenly splitting time with Izturis because Maicer is hot or because Callaspo is not?  Or both?
13 Kevin Jepsen Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 12
Kevin Jepsen Scioscia seems to be losing a little bit of faith in Jepsen now that he might have other options, however none of the other options are doing any better just yet.
14 Dan Haren green arrow up+4
Last Week: 18
Dan Haren I really want to believe he is back, but I think we all know better than to judge him on one start at this point.
15 Ervin Santana green arrow up+2
Last Week: 17
Ervin Santana – His little winning streak is over, but his home runs allowed streak is still going strong.  So he has that going for him.
16 Jerome Williams Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 14
Jerome Williams – Despite the ongoing bullpen disaster, Jerome somehow never pitched this week.  That's weird, right?
17 C.J. Wilson Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 15
C.J. Wilson – Someone needs to tell C.J. that his phrase is "throw strikes" not "throw strikes down the middle of the plate."
18 Scott Downs Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 16
Scott Downs – So here is a crazy development, Downs looks terrible now and one has to wonder if the Angels should even re-sign him once the season is over.
19 Maicer Izturis green arrow up+3
Last Week: 22
Maicer Izturis – A very mighty week for Mighty Maicer with the exception of his ongoing 0-for-the-season as a pinch-hitter.
20 Garrett Richards — 0
Last Week: n/a
Garrett Richards – That whole "Richards becoming a key late inning reliever" thing didn't last very long, did it?
21 Jordan Walden — 0
Last Week: n/a
Jordan Walden – So much for the hope that Walden would come back and pitch like he did early in 2011 and not the pinata from the first half of 2012.
22 Bobby Wilson Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 20
Bobby Wilson – The best thing about Bobby's week is that he barely played.  I mean that as a compliment to Iannetta and not an insult to Bobby.  I'd hate for him to quit Friendster or something because I hurt his feelings.
23 Vernon Wells Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 24
Vernon Wells – Clutch walks and clutch homers yet still the Angels struggle to win when he is in the lineup.  Maybe we just need to start calling Vernon "The Cooler."
24 LaTroy Hawkins Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 21
LaTroy Hawkins – It is nice to see that Hawkins has carved out a new role as the guy that comes in to mop up after another reliever already blew the game.  As the pterodactyl/garbage disposal on The Flintstones used to say, "It's a living (shrug)."
25 Jason Isringhausen — 0
Last Week: 25
Jason Isringhausen – Why is he still on this team?  Why is he allowed to pitch with a one-run lead?  Why is he even being used when the Angels are already carrying seven other relievers?

Biggest Riser: Haren and Greinke, up four spots each

Biggest Dropper: Hawkins, down three spots

Added to the rankings: Garrett Richards (promoted), Jordan Walden (activated from DL)

Dropped from rankings: Hisanori Takahashi (banished to Pittsburgh), Peter Bourjos (disabled list)

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