Angels Player Power Rankings – Week 23

As always, the rankings are based on a player's overall season performance with a weight on recent performance.

1 Mike Trout — 0
Last Week: 1
Mike TroutTrouty actually slumped for real these last two weeks, not that "woe is Trout his OPS is only .870" crap.  Alas, you can't keep a good demigod down as he is once again hitting (and robbing) home runs.
2 Albert Pujols green arrow up+1
Last Week: 3
Albert Pujols – Are we supposed to panic now that he hasn't hit a homer in 11 straight games or is that hysteria only resolved for April?
3 Jered Weaver Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 2
Jered Weaver This bout of tendinitis couldn't come at a worse time for the Angels' playoff hopes and Weaver's AL Cy Young hopes, even if he only cares about the former.
4 Torii Hunter — 0
Last Week: 4
Torii Hunter – If I start a petition to get the Angels to sign Hunter to a one-year contract extension immediately, how many of you would sign it?
5 Zack Greinke green arrow up+4
Last Week: 9
Zack Greinke After four straight dominant starts, I don't think it is asking too much to demand retractions from all the columnists/bloggers who declared the Greinke trade a bust.
6 Kendrys Morales green arrow up+2
Last Week: 8
Kendrys Morales – Early in the season, he looked like he might get non-tendered.  Now, he looks like a dark horse candidate to challenge for AL MVP in 2013.  OK, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but he does look like he might finally be close to fully recovered from his infamous leg injury.
7 Howie Kendrick — 0
Last Week: 7
Howie Kendrick – Howie almost made it through my entire vacation without a GIDP… almost.  Still 12 straight GIDP-free games is an impressive feat by his standards.  Go Howie!!!
8 Ernesto Frieri green arrow up+3
Last Week: 11
Ernesto Frieri – Yay!  Frieri is back to his Ernasty form when he first arrived in Anaheim.  No more Bullpen of Perpetual Sorrow.
9 Erick Aybar Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 6
Erick Aybar – Aybar is playing well, but anytime I see him, all I can think about is poor Brandon McCarthy.
10 Chris Iannetta — 0
Last Week: 10
Chris Iannetta – It is great that Scioscia has allowed Iannetta to be the undisputed #1 catcher, but he really has to do something about burying his potent bat at #9 in the batting order.
11 Mark Trumbo Red arrow down-6
Last Week: 5
Mark Trumbo – Trumbo has but one extra-base hit in over a month, thus explaining his fall down the lineup and power rankings.
12 Dan Haren green arrow up+2
Last Week: 14
Dan Haren Haren is back!  Err, wait… I mean, not his actual back, which was bad, but he himself is back.  Although I guess you could say his back is back too.  Whatever, you get it.  He's good and stuff.
13 Alberto Callaspo Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 12
Alberto Callaspo – I'm convinced Callaspo heated up and started coming up in the clutch once he realized that Luis Jimenez might get a September call-up.  Let's hope he keeps it up now that Lucho got passed over for a promotion.
14 Ervin Santana green arrow up+1
Last Week: 15
Ervin Santana – Hey, you outduel Scherzer and King Felix and I can overlook that preposterous amount of homers you continue to allow.
15 Kevin Jepsen Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 13
Kevin Jepsen Jepsen seems to be slowly losing his setup role to Garrett Richards, but it certainly isn't because of anything Jepsen has done seeing how he has allowed a run in just one of his last 15 appearances.
16 C.J. Wilson green arrow up+1
Last Week: 17
C.J. Wilson – He isn't doing it pretty, but Wilson is getting the job done and allaying any fears that he is going to be a problem in the rotation down the stretch.
17 Scott Downs Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 18
Scott Downs – We are all glad to see him back on the mound, but we'd all feel a lot better if he could regain his lost command.
18 Garrett Richards green arrow up+2
Last Week: 20
Garrett Richards – It seems that he gets more and more confident and effective with each new relief appearance.
19 Jordan Walden green arrow up+2
Last Week: 21
Jordan Walden – Walden has been better since coming off the DL, but he still doesn't look anything like a guy who will someday recapture the closer's role.
20 Vernon Wells green arrow up+3
Last Week: 23
Vernon Wells – Vernon Wells is playing well right now.  (Pinches self, realizes this is not a fever dream.  Punches self, just to be really sure.)
21 Jerome Williams Red arrow down-5
Last Week: 16
Jerome Williams – Glad to see that Scioscia remembered that Jerome existed during my absence.  The question now is if he will still remember come Tuesday when the Angels need a spot starter.
22 Maicer Izturis Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 19
Maicer Izturis – At least Mr. Glass waited until he went into a slump before he decided to get hurt.
23 Bobby Wilson Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 22
Bobby Wilson – When Bobby Wilson homers and it doesn't include the Fat Catcher Shimmy, everyone loses.
24 LaTroy Hawkins — 0
Last Week: 24
LaTroy Hawkins – It is official, Father Time finally caught up to good ol' LaTroy.
25 Peter Bourjos — 0
Last Week: n/a
Peter Bourjos – Well at least that wrist injury thing is a convenient excuse for me to continue to overestimate his abilities next season.
Last Week: n/a
Nick Maronde – He strikes EVERYONE out, yet no headshot.  Andrew Taylor has never appeared in an MLB game yet he has a headshot.  Maybe Maronde should try not striking out everyone.
27 Jason Isringhausen Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 25
Jason Isringhausen – Since the start of August, Izzy hasn't gone three straight outings without allowing a dinger.  He is currently sitting on a two-game homerless stretch and I sincerely hope he never gets a chance to extend it to three.
28 Kole Calhoun — 0
Last Week: n/a
Kole Calhoun – Poor guy, first Wells gets hot to take away his lone shot at getting playing time, then the Angels call up Enright and Calhoun doesn't even get to be the lone ginger on the team anymore.
29 Andrew Romine — 0
Last Week: n/a
Andrew Romine – If Izturis is going to miss time with his injury (HA!  I said "if"), then Romine might actually be of some use now, which is nice.
30 John Hester — 0
Last Week: n/a
John Hester – No one is more excited about Hester's call up than all the baserunners in the American League.
31 Hank Conger — 0
Last Week: n/a
Hank Conger – Panda power is back!  Back on the bench probably never to be seen in a meaningful moment though.
32 Barry Enright — 0
Last Week: n/a
Barry Enright – He's smiling so much because he thinks he might get the spot start on Tuesday.
33 Andrew Taylor — 0
Last Week: n/a
Andrew Taylor – He hasn't entered a game yet and I already trust him more against left-handed hitters than I do Hisanori Takahashi.

Biggest Riser: Greinke, up four spots

Biggest Dropper: Trumbo, down six spots

Added to the rankings: Bourjos, Maronde, Romine, Calhoun, Hester, Conger, Taylor, Enright

Dropped from rankings: nobody because September call-ups exist solely to make this feature even more labor-intensive

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