Angels Player Power Rankings – Week 5

Last week I celebrated that the Angels were good again. Um… oops! This week, that no longer appears to be the case so I apologize if you drown in all the sarcasm dripping off of this week's rankings….

1 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+1
Last Week: 2
Mike TroutHe hasn't been hitting much, but at least he is still drawing walks and finally stole some bases.
2 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 1
Albert Pujols – I'd suggest that his recent struggles and general inability to drive the ball are because of his aching feet, but I fear that he would yell at me like that poor Mariners beat reporter.
3 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 — 0
Last Week: 3
Mark Trumbo Another Angel with an inexplicable decrease in power. Mark is hitting .296 but with just 3 homers and a .163 ISO.
4 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+2
Last Week: 6
Peter Bourjos Nobody does more with less than Bourjos. By that I mean nobody get more hits by hitting the ball a shorter distance.
5 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 — 0
Last Week: 5
Garrett RichardsHis start went off the rails a bit when Scioscia tried to ruin his arm milk another inning out of him to spare the bullpen, but it is pretty safe to say he should keep his rotation spot after Weaver gets back.
6 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+4
Last Week: 10
Howie Kendrick – A walk off homer against the Rangers? You just bought yourself three GIDPs worth of me not getting mad at you.
7 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-3
Last Week: 4
Ernesto FrieriAllowing a game-winning homer to A.J. Pierzynski is always going to get you dropped in the rankings.
8 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+1
Last Week: 9
Scott Downs Downs blew two saves last week and he is probably still the team's best middle reliever (also the blown save rule is stupid).
9 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-2
Last Week:7
Chris Iannetta I know he hasn't been on fire with the bat, but I still don't get why he has to hit behind Brendan Harris.
10 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+5
Last Week: 15
Jason Vargas The Angels' season summed up in one GIF.
11 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+1
Last Week: 12
C.J. Wilson The strikeouts and lack of walks are encouraging but would it kill him to pitch more than six innings? Oh, it will? That's a risk I am willing to take.
12 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-4
Last Week: 8
Sean Burnett He's the one Dipoto acquisition that has actually worked out so far this year so of course he is hurt now. Why wouldn't he be?
13 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+1
Last Week: 14
Dane De La RosaWith five appearances in seven days, Mike Scioscia clearly trusts De La Rosa but also seems hellbent on riding him into the ground.
14 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 13
Tommy Hanson Welcome back, Tommy. Keep your chin up.
15 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+2
Last Week: 17
Jerome WilliamsThe best thing he did all week was not pitch a fit about being replaced by Roth at the last minute for the spot start.
16 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+2
Last Week: 18
Josh HamiltonSo he is going to start hitting in May, right? Isn't that how this struggling, big name, free agent slugger works?
17 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-6
Last Week: 11
Luis Jimenez – Maybe it is time to un-libre the Lucho and get Callaspo back in the lineup.
18 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 16
Michael Roth – Even though the results weren't pretty, Roth showed some great signs in his spot start and very clearly has a nice future in front of him.
19 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+1
Last Week: 20
Hank Conger It was nice to see Conger homer but he really found his true calling in being the bench guy with zany, over-the-top reactions to homers.
20 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 19
Brendan Harris Harris is running out of steam, so thank goodness Aybar should be back this week.
21 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 green arrow up+3
Last Week: 24
Joe Blanton I am convinced that Blanton Jedi mind tricked Scioscia into leaving him in for an extra inning because Joe realized he pitched too well and needed to screw things up before he made his exit.
22 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 21
J.B. Shuck  – I think we can all agree that this whole mess is somehow J.B. Shuck's fault. I don't know how, but it is.
23 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-1
Last Week: 22
Andrew Romine Romine got a hit! WE DID IT!
24 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 — 0
Last Week: n/a
Nick Maronde Out of all the rookie relievers called up recently, Maronde is the one with the talent to make a big impact, and now there is a need for him to with Burnett on the DL. No pressure.
25 Angels Player Power Rankings - Week 5 Red arrow down-2
Last Week: 23
Michael Kohn Last week I said it was "throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks" for the Angel bullpen. Kohn ain't sticking.

Dropped from rankings: Lowe (pretending he has a stiff neck so nobody realizes that he just plain stinks)

Biggest Riser: Vargas, up five spots

Biggest Dropper: Jimenez, down six spots

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