Ladies and Gentleman, Introducing…your Boston CeltSox

Throughout the NBA playoffs, I’ve thought about interesting ways to integrate the Celtics into a post. For the life of me, I couldn’t think of a good parallel between baseball and basketball. But then I realized something, as a fan it’s not always about the sport itself, the X’s and O’s or numbers that draw us to it, it’s the personalities and what they represent.
So with that in mind, I set off on a task; Name a current Celtic player and match him up with a Red Sox player that comes to mind as “similar’ in some facet or another. Let’s call it a Celtics/Red Sox mashup; the CeltSox or the Redtics.
Kevin Garnett = David Ortiz
Just as KG is the “Big Ticket” and say what you will about the rest of the Big Three he’s the face of the franchise. In the same way, in a team full of stars, it’s David Ortiz that is the face of the Red Sox franchise. Their careers will be as judged by their personal statistics as the overall performance of the team while they wore the uniform.
KG and David Ortiz are both known to have tremendously positive attitudes, they understand the “burden” of being a superstar and embrace it. They both love their sports with a passion and every day it shows how much fun they have playing it.
Paul Pierce = Tim Wakefield
I was tempted to go with Manny Ramirez here, and to some degree Pierce has shown some “Manny moments” over the course of his career, wrapping a towel over his head during a press conference comes to mind. Jason Varitek would have been comparable as they both wear the captain’s jersey, but I had one Red Sox player come to mind when finding my Pierce comparable; Tim Wakefield.
Both Pierce and Wakefield are the “elder statesmen” of their teams. They have seen both the best and worst of playing sports in front of the passionate Boston market. Each one paid their dues on their way to their teams’ current heights. As much as any other players on their teams, they are as associated with the uniforms they currently wear.
Ray Allen = J.D. Drew
Both Ray and J.D. were brought in with high expectations, but with some skepticism. Both players have sweet strokes, some might say the “sweetest” in their respective sports. They are both underrated defensive players. Not great, but their propensity to “glide” makes it all look so easy out there for them.
Both are more likely on the “back nine” of their careers with their prime just starting to fade away (more so for Ray than J.D.). At the same time, both Ray and J.D. may hold the keys to their team’s championship hopes in their performance.
Rajon Rondo = Jacoby Ellsbury
Young, fast, exciting, future superstars. Both Rajon and Jacoby have come into Boston with it being associated with “Titletown”. They haven’t really felt the heartache that Boston fans and athletes of years past. They are both built in a mold new to Boston athletes, they are Boston 2.0.
Kendrick Perkins = Kevin Youkilis
Under-appreciated, over-emotional. Even their nicknames are of similar structure; “Perk” and “Youk”. Both Perk and Youk have gained reputations as being a little “overly critical” or whiny with the umpires and referees. Neither has the superstar cache needed to pull it off without some eyebrows being raised.
On the flip side, both are incredibly productive in the role that they are asked to fill in their respective teams.
James Posey = Dustin Pedroia
Gritty, gets things done, plays the game the right way, shows emotion/passion for the game in a good way. They are the “dirt dogs”.
Eddie House = Coco Crisp
Aside from both being valuable bench players, they kind of look alike (minus the dreads).
Sam Cassell = Mike Timlin
Ouch…both have had great careers. Both are veterans…and I cringe when both players see active duty. Sometimes right now, their play is downright ugly.
Glen Davis = Bartolo Colon
Do you really need an explanation? Ok…in case it isn’t apparent….it has to do with their body structure.
Leon Powe = Justin Masterson
Youngsters that came out of nowhere to have big impacts on their respective teams. Powe isn’t likely to be more than a role player and Masterson is destined for more. But right now, they are producing from a spot that each team might not have expected to see that much production from.
P.J. Brown = Mike Lowell
Steady veteran. These guys are the epitome of a veteran presence on a championship caliber team.
Beat LA = Yankees Suck
‘Nuff Said…
Noticeably absent from the Red Sox list were Daisuke Matsuzaka and Manny Ramirez. Without a foreign born phenom on the C’s, a Dice K match just didn’t feel apropos. And well….Manny…you can’t do Manny justice by even thinking about drawing a comparison to anyone.
Clearly we are all about baseball here at Fire Brand…but with a huge game in the NBA Finals tonight, head on over to Celtics 17 and give our Boston brethren a shout of support!
BEAT LA!!!!!

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