LaMont Peterson Talks Tyreke Evans on Kings Connect

LaMont Peterson is the strength and conditioning coach for Tyreke Evans and Andrew Nicholson caught up with him for Kings Connect.

Tyreke has known Peterson since he was in the ninth grade when he started working with him as Evans began working towards the NBA. It’s kind of crazy to think that he’s been training with strength and conditioning since he was just past puberty but at the same time, the great ones and players that make the NBA always seem to have that extra drive to go with their genetics and talents. Here’s the video:

I’ve already established before that I think he’s going to be the first Tyreke Evans instead of the next whomever but his described manner of being “shy” and “keeping to himself” reminds me of the quite demeanor that Kevin Durant has. Both seem sheepish in a way but completely seem to transform into killers on the court.

Good work by Andrew for getting this interview and really enjoyed the insight from LaMont about Tyreke’s progression/process.

50 days until training camp opens.
79 days until the season starts.

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