Larry Sanders doesn’t sound like he’s coming back any time soon

Larry Sanders

Larry Sanders

In a special interview for The Player’s Tribune, a site started by Derek Jeter for athletes to give first-person accounts of their stories or stories of interest to them, Larry Sanders explained his recent departure from the Milwaukee Bucks and the NBA.

He goes into the original departure (a hospitalization for depression), his marijuana use (a sort of self-medication), and the pressures of being a pro athlete. It’s equal parts revealing and confusing….


I know a lot of people who thought taking a chance on the recently bought-out Sanders would be an option for the Celtics, but it doesn’t seem like Sanders has any interest in coming back to the NBA any time soon. He’s clearly focused on other aspects of his life.

Hey, if that’s his choice, then I wish him luck. It’s a little disappointing to see someone possess the skill to be a big-time NBA player and not use it, especially since there are literally millions of people who’d gladly trade places, and ability, with him. But that’s not my choice, it’s his. There are a lot of people in this world who are very good at something they just don’t want to do. The only difference here is what Sanders doesn’t want to do, at least not right now, is something that’s very high-profile.

Maybe he’ll come back, maybe he won’t. If he does, and he’s committed to the game, I’d love for the Celtics to give him a shot. If he never comes back, then best of luck, Larry.

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