*le sigh*

I couldn’t bring myself to write about this game last night. I needed to take a step back and let the disappointment lessen. I had to get some perspective. It is just one game. We can’t win them all. etc etc etc

4-0. The Stars got 4 goals in two periods and we just couldn’t answer them. We couldn’t get one past Turco. We were lucky if we could control the puck long enough to try. This is our first loss to Dallas this season. It was bound to happen but did it have to be so horrible to watch? I don’t think any of our guys even bothered to show up.

It seemed Doan and Yandle were the only two guys who showed up. I get it, they were tired. They played last Sunday in Dallas then traveled to then Tuesday we were in Nashville, Friday in Chicago and back to Dallas for Saturdays early game. *whew* That is a tough travel schedule! I’d be tired too! And we all have our off-days at work. It happens. We all can’t be on top of our game everyday.

I would have liked a little more effort. If you lose, at least look like you are trying. This game reminded me too much of seasons past. I hope one of these days I am able to stop comparing the team to the past few years. I guess I am not far enough removed from the past few seasons to not think we will mess up and fall apart completely.

And I used to like Turco. Now? I hate the man. He freaking headbutted my Pru! Then some Stars player (I don’t know who) lays a questionable hit on Sami. Sami! He was looking quite shaken up when he was sitting on the bench. He must have been ok, since he finished out the game but man did he look shaken up on the bench.

Then later there was a call on Z that should not have been a call. Z was pissed. He was banging his stick around in the box. He clearly hit the puck away from the player first but the refs were saying he tripped the dude. Total BS.

So needless to say, I now officially hate Turco and the Stars. I hope we kick their butts on Saturday. We play the Oilers on Monday, at Wild on Wednesday, at Colorado on Friday and home for the Stars on Saturday. Stupid compressed Olympic schedule. My parents will be at the game on Saturday so there are two good reasons for the Coyotes to win that day. I don’t think my parents have seen the Coyotes win yet.

Ok, well I need to get some stuff done around the house and study for my midterm. I also need to write some of my articles for the Olympic Hockey Blog.

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