Lessons from the Buckeyes

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believe in the buckeyes, you won’t regret itless than a minute ago via web Lessons from the Buckeyes Favorite Lessons from the Buckeyes Retweet Lessons from the Buckeyes Reply

I think it’s safe to say that football fans across the country have never seen anything like this. When everything hit the fan on Monday, and Jim Tressel had turned in his resignation papers, a nation came together.

We mourned. We wanted to know why. Some of us might have even began doubting the characteristics we’ve grown to love from our former head coach. Others were cursing the Ohio State administration for allowing the Senator to fall on the sword.

All in all though, fans, former and current players, as well as fellow coaches around the country displayed something that may have never been witnessed in college or professional sports.

A garnering of how Jim Tressel affected many people, not only on the football field, but in life.

Through the darkness and distraught, current and former players instantly through radio, social media and major outlets discussed what just happened to their coach. And no, it wasn’t your prototypical, we’ll move forward but miss our former coach bologna.

It was stories of how Tressel changed their outlook on life through experiences, character and setting an exemplary example (despite what the media will tell you).

In a way it was a carrying on of the sweater vest.

When everyone was making their head coach out to be a villain, they shrugged their shoulders and continued displaying their character through support and reflection. Former Buckeye linebacker and current Kent State coach Marcus Freeman was one of the many who shared what Tressel has meant for his life.

Lessons from the BuckeyesLessons from the Buckeyes

“I don’t know all the details but I know the impact Coach Tressel made on my life as a leader. He helped mold me into the man, the father and the husband that I am today. He taught me that life is more important than football. He preached being a great person and great citizen as much as a great player. It’s disheartening. And it was disheartening to hear so many negative things being said about him. Because I know the person I thought Coach Tressel was. And the person I still do today.”

Current Arizona Cardinal running back and Ohio State great Beanie Wells shared a perspective that only a person from his upbringing can.

Lessons from the BuckeyesLessons from the Buckeyes

“Do they not understand that only society will suffer more not having a Jim tressel around! He’s more than a coach to alot of guys !”

Maybe in a world of social media, where wearing your feelings on your twitter timeline gives us more of an insight on emotion, it seems there was more of an outcry of emotion and feeling.

But has it become commonplace for players at either the amateur or professional level to share on the resignation of their head coach? Maybe I missed it but when Dave Wannstedt, Randy Edsall, Robbie Caldwell and Urban Meyer turned in their papers, there wasn’t an outpour of emotion and feeling quite like this.

Yet again, there hasn’t ever been a situation in NCAA history quite like this.

Now the Buckeyes will have to march through mud heading into summer, but like their former coach they have their heads are held high. Now, the cool thing for the media to talk about is how Ohio State cannot compete for a Big Ten title.

Don’t let the pundits fool you.

If there is anything that I’ve learned the last week, it’s the fact that there is nothing like the determination, humility, and confidence instilled in these current Buckeyes in sports today.

Something they have taken from their former ball coach and will use on the gridiron in 2011. As running back Jordan Hall said on his twitter page, this team is on a mission.

Lessons from the BuckeyesLessons from the Buckeyes

“So much love for coach tress. Promise no team wanna play us .#onamission”

Thanks to all the current Buckeyes and former players that have taught me this week to always keep your head up, push forward and stand by who and what you believe in. These guys have been stronger than any of us may ever realize.

And they are another example of why I am so proud to call myself a Buckeye.

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