Lester May Have Cancer

Lester May Have CancerSome troubling news out of the Red Sox camp last night, as rookie pitcher, Jon Lester, may be battling cancer according to a Boston Herald article.

Lester had been placed on the DL with some back trouble that stemmed from a minor car accident he was in before a game against the Evil Empire. According to NECN TV, Lester was complaining to his brother about not feeling right and his brother told him that he should go in and get checked out. Unfortunately, the results of the tests were not good and Lester has swollen Lymph nodes. Swollen lymph nodes are usually caused by 4 things.

  • Infection
  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • An abscess
  • Cancer

The rookie pitcher is currently under going more tests to determine the cause of these swollen lymph nodes. Let’s hope for his sake, its just a minor condition that can be taken care of.

I do ask that everyone say a prayer for Jon Lester and wish him a speedy recovery.

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