Let’s Finish This

Let's Finish This

Over the past few weeks, this blog and my e-mail account has been filling up with hate notes. Some of you out there are having a hard time dealing with reality and quite honestly, are acting like a bunch of asses. Why? Because in your warped minds, you have somehow come to the conclusion that Subway Domer is a Weis hater. In your peanut sized brains, you put criticism in line with hate. How misguided you are. Are you the ones that would cry like a baby in practice because a coach would yell at you when you screwed up? I’m guessing that you were. It is quite funny that the same coach you defend so adamantly, is the kind of guy who would yell at you for your mistakes and drop you down about 50 notches.

So, let me state what I thought rational people would gather from the few posts that I have ripped into Charlie.

  1. I like Charlie Weis.
  2. I believe in Charlie Weis.
  3. I want Charlie Weis as our Head Coach.

I have never once, in any post on Subway Domer or on any message board (subwaydomer26 and skelaton26 are my screen names) said that Weis is no good or that I think that he should be fired. That kind of insanity is well… insane. But I’ll get to that in a moment.

I truly believe in what Charlie is trying to do with the program. I just think that he has made some mistakes along the way. What do we expect? Nobody is perfect and Charlie is the type of coach who will learn from these mistakes. Remember, his only other Head Coaching gig was for a high school in New Jersey a long time ago. (The exact date escapes me and I am on too much of a roll to look it up). But none of that doesn’t mean that he can’t be criticized for his mistakes! Personal attacks may be a bit much, but call me the “kettle” and Weis the “pot” then. Anger has its ways of putting words into peoples mouths and on computer screens. Charlie is a “Jersey Guy”, he can take it. He will get this program moving in the right direction after this season. It is what so many Irish followers have stated already, The perfect storm. Tough schedule, bad recruiting with the upperclassmen, and a total lack of experience with most of our players on the 2 deep roster. Add that with being Notre Dame and getting the best game from every team that plays you because, you are ND… and it all adds up to this nightmare 1-8 season.

Now for all you Weis HATERS. You are worse than the others. At least those people are loyal to the program. You on the other hand, have no idea what a Weis firing would do to this program. It would BURY it. No hope for like 4 -6 years. Think Faust only worse. You are the fair weather pricks I despise with every ounce of my being. You are the rats that tear apart the weak and jump ship when the seas are rough. I hate you. Please go away. the good news for me and others like me is that Weis isn’t going anywhere. You may cry all you want right now, but Charlie is the Head Coach of ND. And that’s the way I like it.

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