Let’s Kick Some Booty!

Greatings Coug lovers as well as the mighty Brinkhater army! Hope you’re all having a good week!

In terms of this week’s game with the mighty Trojans, well, there’s not a lot to say beside what you can find via Sedihawk on the AOL blog (just head to the right and click to see what I mean). Great coverage there, Hawk!

In terms of Brinkhater’s take on things………well, because Brinkhater has no life and no friends, I strolled on over to the usctrojans.cstv.com site last night and watched Pete Carrol’s press conference. Two quick notes:

1) Carrol spoke highly of Alex Brink.
2) Carrol spoke very highly of his team and talked with great enthusiasm about how much better they’re gonna get from here on out (SCARY!).

In no uncertain terms, he thinks this team–and the defense espcially–are headed for BIG THINGS.

After watching the press conference, I found myself wondering about why I should even spend time watching the game on Saturday, but then I got clear:

Maybe the Cougs shouldn’t win this game, but they damn well should be in this game.

When you hear Carrol talk about this defense, you realize that he has a “special, aggressive group” (you realize this because he repeats it over and over). However, Cougar fans should take great solace in the fact that unlike Mike Price coached teams, this group of coaches know how to run AT speed. Want an example? Look at Woolridge’s first half numbers versus Auburn, or J. Smith’s numbers against Texas.

So, once again, the game’s make-up comes down to Alex Brink. USC is gonna blitz, blitz, blitz. To quote Bob Dole: “you know it, I know it, the American people know it.” So, if the O-line buys a minute, and if Alex can see over the top, the middle is gonna be WIDE OPEN all day long. However, if Alex decides to scramble and throw laterally all day, well, its gonna be a long day–the kind that we saw against Auburn and well, USC last year as well.

Like the Auburn game, the defense will hold up to the extent that the offense keeps them off the field. In the end, given USC’s clear advantage in talent, this SHOULD be a 34-21 USC win with the Trojans pulling away with a late touchdown. Will this type of game eventuate? Will we be able to score? Will Brink begin his coming out party? Will Rogers move the team if given the chance?

Stay tuned for staff predictions tomorrow on Football Friday.

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