Lexus Duck with another fan report from Tuesday practice


special guest post by “LexusDuck,” a lifelong Oregon fan

I noticed Wade and Ricky playing hard which was great. Coach Azz was unforgettable, he was getting into his guys which I loved. You could hear each word from the bleachers.

The problem with the D-line, is they’re OK but a position where we can improve mightily. We have the ‘gamers’ like Hanna, and Remington, in the mold of Zac Clark, Devan Long, Nick Reed etc. They typically overachieve, though they are undersized when playing in bowl games. We missed on Delvon Simmons and countless D-tackles recently. If we can add an Ellis McCarthy from CA or Quay Evans we would be unbeatable. Both those guys are 5-star studs which normally would go to a Bama or SC. If we can start landing mammoth tackles like that while we are sexy, we can become a a long-term relationship and not just a football fling.

The LSU situation is pathetic, even people at the gym are talking about it. The more I read into it the angrier I become so I’m trying to block it out. I wanted to beat LSU big time before the incident, if Jefferson plays after all this I will want it that much more.

After seeing our D-line in person I’m comfortable yet not overly confident. I suppose rowe, clark and bair would’ve made me feel the same way. Heimuli needs to play big, I think he is the most valuable outside of dt and lm because our blitzing defense relies on winning the initial battle up front. Dline is what I will be concentrating on most during the lsu game. O-line is an area of interest obviously, I think that unit has enough studs to workout the kinks early and gel nicely. I think if we beat lsu we win every game up to the bowl.

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