Lightning Recall Goalie Kristers Gudlevskis

 According to the Post Standard’s Crunch writer Lindsay Kramer, the Lightning have recalled goaltender Kristers Gudlevskis from the Syracuse Crunch. While the injury to Ben Bishop (No structural damage. Out for the remainder of regular season) seems to be the reason for the recall, earlier coach Cooper stated that while there will be a call up from Syracuse, it was already planned because he had Ben Bishop playing only one more game. (Photo/Susan Ferlita)

The Latvian Olympian will serve as Anders Lindback‘s backup, but still hopes to make history as the only goaltender ever to play in the ECHL, AHL, Olympics and NHL in the same season.

Gudlevskis has played in 34 games with AHL Syracuse, earning 18 wins and 5 shutouts. He has a 2.68 GAA and a .901 SV% with the Crunch. He was 5-2-2 with a 2.29 GAA and a  .920 SV%  in March but seemed fatigued this month. In April he’s 2-1 with a 4.12 GAA and an .818 SV%.

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