LightYear.FM + The Friday Links


This. Is. Everything.

But seriously, this is actually everything.

I love that site so much. And if you have music ADD, then you’re going to love it too.

If you haven’t heard, we finally made it to Pluto this week. And if you’re a nerd like me, it was super cool to see the planet (?) in such detail. So that LightYear.FM link is just a natural extension of my nerd-ness.

Make sure to check out the explanation of what you’re actually listening to.

Now, The Friday Links…

Actually, this is everything:

That’s it. That’s the work week. We’re back to baseball tonight after 4 days off. Let’s do this, Cardinals. Let’s lock in a playoff spot ASAP and hope against hope that we finally get the Cards/Cubs postseason match-up we all want.

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