Links of the Day 5/18/08

Hey, you didn’t think I’d forget about the Links, did you?

Here’s a great rundown on the commercials we’ve been hit over the head with while watching the NHL Playoffs.

This one’s from last week but it’s good so it’s here. Erin Andrews talks a bit about Internet pervy types. Heh, that’s funny, Erin, but I know you mean other dudes and not me. You’re my girlfriend after all. We even have pet names — I call you sweetums and you call me Get Away Weirdo.

For a complete non-sequitor, here’s a blogger I read on a regular basis whom I don’t know personally, but who I’ve always found quite entertaining.

And finally, has Sean Avery gone completely around the bend? Maybe his ruptured spleen has made him decide to pursue other careers. But interning at Vogue magazine? Umm, well, okay. Maybe he thinks it’ll get him some tail.


Well, that’s all for me, folks. Thanks for having me and a tip o’ the cap to Ryan and Steve for inviting us to partake. Come on over and say hi sometime.

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