Live Blog: Celtics vs. Pistons, Wolves vs. Warriors

Wassup guys…getting set for the Celtics game, which is coming up in a few minutes on ESPN.  Boston has won nine-straight, and currently stands at 20-2…meanwhile, the Pistons enter tonight at 17-7.  KG’s stat line for the season, thus far: 18.5 PPG, 10.4 RPG, 3.7 APG.  Should be an excellent game, without doubt.

*KG has a ridiculous +/- rating– he’s a + 26.9 this season.

*More Celtics stats: Pierce is averaging 20.9 PPG, and Allen is averaging 19.2 PPG. 

*Looking forward to seeing Flipnosis, as well…man, if you’d have told me in 2003-04 that Flip would be coaching the Pistons and KG would be playing for the Celtics in four years, I’d have called you crazy. 

*Doris Burke is no Erin Andrews.  Anyways, the game’s about to tip-off:

First Quarter:

*Just looking at KG’s reaction after drawing the Sheed foul, the revitalization of the Big Ticket is immediately apparent.  You wouldn’t have seen that fist-pumping reaction last season. 

*How do you stop this team?  If you have KG covered, Ray Allen will fly in and nail a floater in the paint. 

*Love the move by Rajon Rondo…and on the next possession, he hits a jumper.  He’s gotta be taking the media’s coverage of the Celtics personally…Rondo’s really gone under the radar. 

*What’s gotten into Rajon Rondo?  More importantly, what the hell has happened to Detroit’s guards?  Why aren’t they getting a body on Rondo?  Rajon leads all scorers with eight points, as Flipnosis takes the timeout. 

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*Kendrick Perkins in the post = bad idea for Celtics.

*This is a little odd to watch, as we’re so used to seeing the offense being run through Kevin Garnett.  Today, Garnett has mainly been on the perimeter, and hasn’t had many chances to post up.  He hasn’t been involved in the offense too much, thus far, but I’m sure that’ll change as the game goes along. 

*Garnett’s stats: 0-1 from the field, three rebounds, two points.  Rajon Rondo has been the story of the game, thus far–he’s 5-6 from the field, and has 10 points. 

*There’s the KG we know and love…makes a great lay-in with his long arms while under the basket.

*Glen Davis was definitely a good pickup by the Celtics…he enters the game, replacing KG.  Looking forward to seeing him in action.

*In a span of mere seconds after entering the game, Davis picks up two quick fouls.  We saw the Butler there with a veteran move, drawing the foul from the rookie on the pump fake.

*The Big Three have combined for 16 of Boston’s 27 points…meanwhile, Rip Hamilton leads the Pistons with 10, and Rondo has 10 for the Celtics. 

*A well-played first quarter.  After seeing the Timberwolves give the ball away time after time in their games, it’s refreshing to watch two teams that can take care of the basketball.  Also, you’ve gotta love the ball-movement from the Celtics…a very entertaining offense to watch, no doubt.  Boston by five.

Second Quarter: 

*Jeez, since when can the coaches be interviewed between quarters? 

*Kudos the Celtics second unit…with KG and Pierce on the bench, Boston continues to display high intensity on both ends of the court. 

*Breaking News: Ray Allen is an excellent three-point shooter.  I’ve never seen a player start his shooting motion when he’s reached the peak of his elevation, and still make the jumper.

*KG’s jumper is a thing of beauty…man, I miss seeing that at Target Center. 

*Love to see KG getting more involved in the offense as the second quarter is progressing…he’s struggling a bit, but he’ll quickly get on-track if he continues to assert himself on the offensive end. 

*Is it too late to move the Celtics to a nationally-televised game on Christmas.  The Miami-Cleveland and Lakers-Suns games aren’t enough reason for me to watch some basketball on Christmas. 

*What a PHENOMENAL pass by KG to Perkins.  With all the weapons he has around him, and considering what an unselfish player he is, I’m a little surprised Garnett isn’t averaging more assists per game this season. 

*Boston by five with 2:43 remaining in the half.  At halftime, I’ll flip over to the start of the Wolves/Warriors game.  Rondo and Allen both have 12, Garnett has 10, and Pierce has five…meanwhile, Rip Hamilton leads all scorers with 15. 

*Doc Rivers’ technical foul just reminded me to link to this hilarious Deadspin article on Coach Rivers

*What an AMAZING shot by Rondo…the Celtics have all the momentum as this game heads to halftime, despite not getting a shot off on their final possession.

Halftime: Celtics 52, Pistons 45

All right, let’s flip over to the Timberwolves……

First Quarter: Wolves vs. Warriors

*I really liked those Sweetwater Jones commercials the first few times they aired, but man…they’re getting kind of annoying at this point.  On another note, it looks rather sparse at Target Center to say the least. 

*It’s hard to turn from the Celtics to the Timberwolves without getting depressed…so much energy in Boston, so little to get excited about in Minnesota (this season, at least).  Rashad’s putback gives the Wolves a one-point lead. 

*Well whaddya know?  A gerald Green sighting.  Let’s see how he responds to this rare playing time. 

*McCants leads all scorers with eight points…he’s 2-3 from beyond the arc.  For the Warriors, Stephen Jackson has seven and Al Harrington has six.

*Unfortunately for the Heat, Alonzo Mourning went down hard on his knee, and it doesn’t look like he’ll be returning anytime soon.  Gee, I wonder if Mark Blount will rise to the occassion of filling Zo’s shoes?

*Good play by Stephen Jackson, rookie play by Corey Brewer.  Jackson pump faked, and Brewer bit…as a result, Jackson takes a trip to the free throw line, cutting the Wolves lead to three as the first quarter ends.

Second Quarter:

*XM Radio > Sirius…that is a pretty cool ad for Sirius, though, with the iPods falling like dominos.

*Gerald Green with the floater…even though I’ve been completely negative about Green, I’m glad to see him get another shot.  Nice cut to the basket, nice pass by Jefferson.  Maybe Green can change a few minds tonight…

*Ah, Troy Hudson’s in attendence.  Would this be a good time to remind folks that I was the first blogger to pick up the story of his album only selling 78 copies?  Shameless self-whoring aside, Green continues to impress, making the block on a Matt Barnes shot.

*Green will assuredly be the story of the game…10 points for Green, 2-2 from beyond the arc. 

*McCants, after being quite underwhelming over the past several weeks, is having himself a very fine game.  15 points, 3-5 from beyond the arc…not often in December have we seen Shoddy’s jumper drop, but it’s falling tonight.

*I refuse to wish McHale a happy birthday. 

*Even when he’s simply bringing the ball down the court, Corey Brewer doesn’t look like he’s under control.  Meanwhile, Al showed his fundamental soundness and his power on consecutive possessions…nice turnaround on one trip, and a very quick, strong dunk on the next. 

*Wolves big three = Green, Jefferson and McCants. 

*Transition defense, people…it needs major improvement.  The Wolves will make a positive play on one end, but the guards will be sluggish in getting back on defense.  That time, Baron Davis had a layup opportunity because of our slow transition D. 

*Good to see Jefferson muscle his way to that bucket…the Warriors, however, are sneaking back into this game as we get closer to the half.  They’re starting to shoot the ball much better than they were earlier in the quarter.

*A pair of cold-blooded shots to end the half…Shoddy nails the jumper, and Baron Davis hits the three as time runs out to cut the Wolves’ lead to eight.

Halftime: Wolves 62, Warriors 54

*What a bunch of lame juggler kids…sorry, but any kid who knows the words to Mellencamp’s "Small Town" is kinda lame.

*I’d mentioned T-Hud earlier in this blog…Jeremy found an article from the Bay Area media that said Huddy’s career might be over, at long last.  Ah well, I guess that just means he’ll have more time in the studio to record new albums.  And as we all know, T-Hud’s albums = comedy gold.

*Getting set to start the third quarter…Shoddy has 19, Jefferson has 15, and Green has 10.  The Wolves shot 49% from the field in the first half, and they went 5-10 from beyond the arc.

Third Quarter:

*I’m not liking the vibe I’m getting from this quarter…the Warriors are shooting the ball pretty effectively, and since they’re a team that can score a lot of points in a little time, I’m starting to get nervous.

*The Monta Ellis basket cuts the lead to three, and Witt quickly takes a timeout.  Well folks, it was a good run we had in the first half, but I have a sinking feeling that the Warriors are gonna put on a clinic in the second half. 

*And Tom Hanneman makes yet another cringe-worthy play on words…he actually used the phrase, "The Full Monta" after a Monta Ellis basket.  Ugh!

*Christ, another turnover…and the ensuing fast break gives the Warriors the lead.  And from bad to worse: Telfair gets called for travelling on the next possession.  The wheels are falling off. 

*Green with the charge.  Nothing’s working on offense…turnovers, offensive fouls.  We’re a mess on the offensive end.

*Give this team a little credit–Rashad and Al in particular.  Despite this surge by Golden State, those two guys have been keeping this team in the game over the last few minutes.

*A four-point possession for the Warriors.  The Wolves were hanging tough, but a possession like that can take the life out of a team.  Let’s see what happens in the next minute or two…how will the Wolves respond? 

*WOW…what a play by Gomes.  Drove unguarded to the basket, slammed it home, and picked up the foul.  However, Golden State quickly responds at the other end. 

*Another smack-youself-in-the-head turnover.  Bassy passes the ball, and Brewer can’t grab it.  Again, the wheels continue to come off. 

*The Harrington three puts the Warriors up by 12, as the third quarter comes to an end.  This one’s over…the Wolves aren’t a team that can even come close to matching this Golden State team in the fourth quarter.

Fourth Quarter:

*Very quickly, I’ve gotta check back in with the Celtics/Pistons game…Detroit knocked off Boston, 87-85. 

*C’mon Telly…it’s SURPRISING that the Wolves were looking down in the huddle?  We just got killed in the third quarter. 

*And as Monta Ellis extends the Golden State lead to 16, I’m gonna say good night…thanks for hanging out tonight.  The Wolves just couldn’t match Golden State’s intensity in the third quarter…and with the way GS can score quickly, you just can’t go through scoring lapses when you’re facing them.  Too many turnovers killed scoring chances on the offensive end in the third quarter for the Wolves.  We’re playing too sloppy, especially in key parts of games, and that’s been killing us on a consistent basis.  Thanks again for stopping by! 

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