Live HOF Game Blog

The game starts at 8pm, but here are a few links to start it off:
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Favre is back and it looks like sanity will prevail in Green Bay. Say what you want about his childish behavior over the past three off-seasons, but this guy needs to be the starting quarterback for the Packers. At the very least you have to give him a chance to beat out Rodgers for the job, which he will.
Peyton is fine, so chillax. On a side note, why does everyone hate Jim Sorgi? My long-standing position has been if Peyton doesn’t play it doesn’t matter who is behind center. If you listen to talk radio you know this is an issue that the fans will not let go of. Yeah, he’s not very good, but what backup is? We got an unplanned dose of the not-so-mighty Quinn Gray during our road trip to Jacksonville last season. Freeney ate him up and spit him out.
First Quarter
1.) Al starts out by reminding us of the playoff loss to San Diego. Punk.
2.) Onside kick by the Colts to start it off. Damn near had it on the ricochet.
3.) Touchdown Randel El. Hell of a player. He seemed to be covered by a combination of Keiaho and nobody.
4.) The SNF producers have to be thanking their maker that this Favre drama is unfolding. This game will very tough to cover very soon. Addai makes a catch. Let’s take him out now, okay?
5.) Nice third down conversion by Sorgi to Clark. Followed by a big completion to something called a Gijon Robinson. Another conversion to #44. So glad we paid him. Big sack followed by a nice north and south run by Dom. Yet another third down conversion. Gijon, assisted by a blitz pickup of Rhodes. Field goal. The O looks sharp on that 16 play drive, though. Most importantly: It’s August 3rd and WE’RE WATCHING FOOTBALL!!
6.) Jason Campbell looks good. He is finding the gaping holes in the zone. Nice sack by Brock and Thomas. Seeing those guys get involved is a sight for sore eyes. Punt
7.) I agree with Madden. Play Sorgi some more. Gray scrambles for 10 yards and a third down conversion. Follows it with a bullet to Aromashodu. He was staring him down.
Second Quarter

1.) Nothing doing on a short catch by AG, brings up fourth and one. Gray misses badly. Mixed results from Quinn. We should see more of him, though.
2.) Last year’s hero, Todd Collins is in. The new guys are in on defense. Madden gives Eric Foster the undersized DT from Rutgers some serious love. There’s been a buzz around him. Good thing too since Pitcock crapped out.
3.) Snap goes over Gray’s head. Safety. Todd Collins can do nothing with the ensuing possession. Rushing’s punt return for a touchdown is called back. Gray is back again and rifles one to Pierre Garcon. Damn that kid can throw a fastball. Next play is a TOUCHDOWN to Onrea Jones from Hampton. Rolls and and throws mid-stride. Impressive. Doesn’t resemble your average Colts completion, but I like it. Colts lead 10-9.
4.) Good kickoff coverage. Collins is still in. Getting gouged on the ground with runs of 11, 7, 11, and 7. Timely sack and fumble followed by a review that lasts way to long. This is deservedly mocked by Michaels and Madden. The field goal is just missed wide right.
5.) Colts will go in leading by 1, unless Gray can make some magic happen in just :29 seconds. Lucas Oil Stadium sure is pretty. My only fear is that we’ll be calling her the LOSer Dome, once Peyton retires. Gray makes a huge play down field. 47 yard hail-mary-esque grab by former Indiana standout Courtney Roby. Fear the Hoosiers. Colts lead 13-9.
6.) Wow. Bob Costas shows us just how nasty China’s smog problem is.
Third Quarter

1.) Ready for some more Quinn Gray? Screen pass to Mike Hart. 14 yards to Aromashodu. Couple great runs by Mike Hart. Loses his helmet. Kid is chewing up yardage and running hard. His 4 runs for 53 yards leads to yet another field goal. A Michigan man tearing it up in the middle of Ohio.
2.) Hawaii Superstar Colt Brennan is in. Big toss downfield. Mostly running the ball. Jordan Senn, LB from Portland State just got run over by Marcus Mason. Touchdown. Rushing gets beat one-on-one. Great pass, though. Tie game.
3.) The Manning brothers playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. Yes! Chad Simpson from Morgan State is in at RB. Lorenzen is in at QB and he’s running! These big running quarterbacks are kind of freaking me out.
Fourth Quarter
1.) Anybody still awake? Redskins ram it down field capped by a short toss from Brennan. Good night.

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