Local independant television makes me sad

Local independant television makes me sadI’ve spent too much time lately rambling on and on about various sports and certain other things I’m sure I’m the only one who cares about. Do you actually care that I’ll be in Alabama in March? Probably not. Unless you want to come with me.
I want to mention something else today, something that has been bothering me for some time now. When I was unemployed at the beginning of the year, I would spend my weekday afternoons engrossed in the KSTC afternoon lineup. It went like this: 2:00 Hawaii 5-0, 3:00 Magnum P.I. That’s really all you need for a happy afternoon until ESPN wakes up and you can watch Around the Horn or any number of afternoon game shows, or you know, talk to people. If you started watching TV a little too early, you could catch Mary Tyler Moore at 1 and an infomercial at 130. The best was Yoga Booty Ballet. Usually I watched Law and Order or something on TNT.
But then KSTC went and did something ridiculous. First, they replaced Magnum P.I. with Little House on the Prairie. In what universe does that make any sense? When is a Conestoga Wagon more popular than a Ferrari? Who would rather watch people struggling with a butter churner than a suave detective help out a sexy supermodel who has got herself into trouble in a tropical paradise? I daresay no one.
I pretty much stopped watching after that, losing touch with McGarret and Dan-o and his radiant green suits on 5-0 which is really a shame. Imagine my surprise then, when I went back to check it out and it had been replaced by, of all things, Little House on the Prairie. What. Unbelievable. After a little research, I discovered that they wedged in 2 episodes of the Cosby show and just shifted LHOTP and 5-0 up an hour. So that’s what I’m left with. I have to be sure to catch the high tension antics of 5-0 at noon, and then I would be left with a void for the rest of the afternoon. You’re killing me KSTC.

I think this counts as sports, since KSTC carries Wild games. Right? And if you want something a little more in depth, well, how about this thought? Utah is the finder of all teams overrated this year, after beating UCLA and Louisville. The Bruins and Cardinals have each lost a game to someone who is clearly bad, and Utah then beat them both. Something to think about.

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