LOHD Research on Gator Slam

The staff at LOHD did some field research on behalf of one of its’ readers. Staff called the Univ of Florida this morning at (352)392.3261 and got transferred to the Athletic Department. LOHD staff wanted to get to the bottom of what is becoming known as the “Gator Slam.” This term comes from the phrase “Tiger Slam.” Which was given to what Tiger Woods accomplished on the PGA tour when he won and held all four golf majors — he didn’t win all of them in the same year, so it was dubbed the “Tiger Slam.” But still a great feat.

The Florida Gators became the first program to hold football and men’s basketball titles at the same time. NO they did not win it in the same year but they HOLD both titles currently (at least until April 2007 when the men’s basketball title game is played).

LOHD staff asked the UFstaff member these questions after explaining the situation and the reason for my call. Here is the script from our conversation with LOHD staff asking the question and the answer being given by a staff person at the UF Athletics department.

1. Did the UFwin the men’s basketball title in the 2005-2006 season? She said “Yes.”
2. Did the UF win the college football title in the 2006-2007 season? She said “Yes.”
3. Does the University of Florida currently hold both titles, that being the men’s basketball title from the 05-06 season and the football title from the 06-07 season? She said with a laugh “Yes.” I told her that this is not a joke we need answers. Back to the Q and A.
4. So the UF does ‘hold‘ both titles? She said “Again, Yes.”
5. Are both of these trophies in the UF trophy cabinet? She said “Yes.”
6. Have you heard that the accomplishment that the UF did being called the “Gator Slam?” She said “Yes.”
7. What does that mean to UF? She said “It is associated with the men’s program at the Univ of Florida holding both championships (basketball and football). It goes back to what Tiger Woods did and what is called by many the “Tiger Slam.”
8. So you did not win both titles in the same season? She said “no but we are hopeful that the men’s basketball team can repeat this season.” (My point exactly– LOHD never said won in the same season but first to hold both titles)
10. So it is a fact that the UF currently ‘HOLDs‘ both titles? She said “Ah, Yeah.”

She then told me that “a celebration of the Gators’ BCS National Championship is set for Saturday, Jan. 13 at the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. All Gator fans are encouraged to show their appreciation Saturday when the team is honored at noon to 1 p.m.”

LOHD staff informed her that they would not attend but are going to see UF play USC on Saturday in basketball but will pass on the info on to one of our faithful readers who may want to go and discuss this issue of “Florida holding the men’s basketball title and football title presently” a little more.

LOHD offered to send her a ‘hot dog’ but she declined. LOHD staff thanked the lady for her time this morning and for answering these “straight hard hitting questions” on the LOHD “hot seat” and for entering the “no spin zone.” All readers can rest assured that LOHD will work hard to provide the best information on this blog and seek out the answers. We also will get the facts and go straight to the “horse’s mouth” if need be regarding subjects on this blog.

Side note—Read about it here on Gatorzone.com. More on this feat can be read here or in the Florida newspaper – here or in a Seattle news source – here or back to the original article from ESPN – here.

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