Halo Headlines: Angels predicted to win the World Series, Pujols is done as an MVP candidate

Halo Headlines: Angels predicted to win the World Series, Pujols is done as an MVP candidate

The March 13th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Angels predicted to win the World Series, Pujols is done as an MVP candidate and much more…

The Story: A site called "The Prediction Machine" predicts the Angels to be the most likely World Series winner.

The Monkey Says: Not be a particularly overwhelming amount though and, frankly, who the hell has ever heard of "The Prediction Machine"? From what I can tell it is really just a gambling advice website and that always makes me dubious of anything, not that we shouldn't be dubious of any pre-season prediction be it one from a computer program or a human brain.

The Story: Albert Pujols is done as an MVP candidate.

The Monkey Says: The article isn't nearly as harsh as the title implies and makes a lot of valid points about Pujols, some of which we already knew. The change in his plate coverage is definitely a new wrinkle that continues to poor cold water on any projections of Pujols ever returning to super-human form.

The Story: The Angels have hired Michael Araujo to replace the late David Courtney as the team's new PA announcer.

The Monkey Says: Any LA Galaxy fans that can vouch for his work want to chime in here?

The Story: T.J. Simers chimes in on the Mike Trout salary debate by somehow relating his pay to the pay of a soldier.

The Monkey Says: I really don't even know what he was trying to accomplish in this latest trolling attempt. However, the article is worth reading because Simers actually quotes OC Register's Jeff Miller in it, which is like the most meta version of trolling I have ever seen. The snake is officially eating its own tail, people.

The Story: The new dynamic ticket pricing model the Angels are using is encountering some bumps in the road.

The Monkey Says: Ain't no skin off my back, I live in Seattle and can get a good seat to an Angels-Mariners game at the stadium ticket window two minutes before first pitcher for like $35. Oh, and I don't pay state income tax. SUCKERS!

The Story: A cumulative ranking of the Angels' top prospects.

The Monkey Says: The lack of low risk (meaning low chance they don't pan out) prospects is particularly disturbing and they don't even have that many medium risk guys either. Ugh.

The Story: Is Scott Kazmir's return an indictment on Mike Butcher?

The Monkey Says: I'm 50/50 on whether or not this post was meant as a joke. As for Kazmir, give me a break. The guy fell apart in disastrous fashion and then was out of the game for nearly two years with nobody wanting to take a chance on him until this spring, so it wasn't like there were other pitching coaches in the league who thought they could fix him. And who even knows if he is fixed? This is still just spring training, after all. The Rodney accusation carries a little more weight, but not much, not with me anyway. Rodney had been controlled chaos in his pre-Angels career as well. The fact that he magically turned into Mariano Rivera in Tampa due to a supposedly simple change in his position on the rubber screams fluke to me. Again, Rodney has been around for awhile yet nobody was convinced they could fix him, which is why Tampa got him for cheap. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he flamed out again this season.

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