Los Angeles Angels VP of Communications Tim Mead ‘State of the Angels’ 2012 Speech

Los Angeles Angels VP of Communications Tim Mead 'State of the Angels' 2012 Speech
March 11th, 2012
TEMPE, AZ – On Sunday morning Tim Mead, VP -of marketing and Communication spoke to us from the Angels dug-out for about one hour. He told us that Arte speaking with us for an hour the night before was very special for us and for him. It was a rare time for us to hear Arte in a non-spin, no nonsense discussion where he openly discussed his background, desires as an owner and thoughts.
Mead spoke of the team’s clubhouse chemistry this year and how he as an Angel employee for 22 years is like the players – they cannot wait for this season to begin. The addition of Albert Pujols has brought an aura of “team first, individual second” attitude to the club.
Mead shared with us what had happened with the “El Hombre” billboard episode this year and how the media overstated the event. His candor continued about the media and cautioned us on AW.com to be very careful about what a rumor can quickly do in today’s environment with the explosive communication tools that exist today.
After his remarks, Tim fielded questions for another twenty minutes or so covering everything from the ticket sales, east coast bias, Morales update and where Mike Trout will likely start the season.
Click below to watch and listen to the man who bestowed so much knowledge and information of the behind the scenes operations of Angels Baseball and his thoughts on the upcoming 2012 Halos season.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/38378905 w=400&h=225]
Tim Mead, Angels VP of Communications, gives his State of Angels speech and answers questions at the 2012 Spring Fan Fest, 3/11/2012 at Tempe Diablo Stadium.
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