
Tonight’s episode was not the one where Charlie dies. Although Desmond told him how he would die, Charlie does not. Well, at least not tonight. Perhaps he’ll die next week.

We got the five best moments in his life through flashbacks, the moment he and his brother, Liam heard their hit single on the radio, the moment he can swim, the moment his brother gives him the DS ring, the moment he saves a woman (Sayid’s lost love Nadia – I guess she survives the Iraqi prison) and the moment he met Claire on the island.

Jack was a weak, sniffling idiot again. This was after he became strong the last five episodes. We got the whiny Jack that we saw in S2 that wouldn’t shut up. Sayid or Sawyer should be the leader of the castaways, not this whining doctor who should shoot heroin. Let me say I don’t endorse or condone anyone shooting up heroin, just saying Jack should get off my TV as soon as possible. But I digress.

Charlie volunteers to go to a radio tower to turn off the distress signal Rosseau’s been playing for 16 years. But Juliet says the signal has been jammed by Ben in an underwater hatch. After being told this is how he dies, Charlie volunteers to go. Jack at first resists, but later relents when he finds out that The Others who were originally going to attack the castaways beach during the day, will instead attack that night.

Charlie writes a note to Claire describing his five greatest moments. Asks Desmond to give it to her. Swims down to the hatch to find it not flooded, but actually operational. Charlie’s happy he’s alive, but finds two women with guns pointed at him. That’s how we end.

It’s a decent episode. Not bad. I give it a B+. But with this tease of Charlie’s death since the middle of the season, he has to die next week, no two stones about it. We’ve been teased way too long. If the Hobbit survives until next season, it’ll be one of the biggest ripoffs since the entire Season 2 which was just plain awful.

Next week is a two hour finale. Try to avoid tomorrow’s “special” at 10 p.m. as ABC says the producers will allegedly give answers about the first three seasons up until tonight and tease next week. It’s nothing more than an effort by ABC to sell time in the guise of a quote-unquote “new” Lost when it’ll be just a clip show. Watch something else instead.

That’s it for now. We’ll be back on Thursday with links.

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