Malone Enters Plea Of Not Guilty To DUI And Drug Charges

RMalone1According to Hillsborough County Court Documents, on April 22, Lightning Forward Ryan Malone  plead not guilty to charges of driving under the influence and cocaine possession. (Photo/Susan Ferlita)

Malone was arrested by Tampa police on April 12 after they witnessed him weaving in and out in a 2014 Chevrolet Suburban on Platt Street.

Malone refused to perform the field sobriety test after being pulled over by an officer. A search of Malone turned up  a bag of cocaine in his right back pocket.

Malone’s blood-alcohol level was .116 and .112. In Florida, the legal limit for driving is below 0.08.

The cocaine possession charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison while the DUI charge carries a six-month maximum sentence.

Malone has one more year remaining on a seven-year, $31.5 million contract. He is scheduled to make $2.5 million next season with a cap hit of $4.5 million.

For his career, Malone has 179 goals and 191 assists in 641 games.

The NHL is reporting that Malone is currently enrolled in the league’s substance abuse program. You can find details of the program here.

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