Manny Being Manny No Excuse For Dissing Veterans

Everyone seems to have a take on Manny missing the trip to Washington.

Jim Donaldson sports writer for the ProJo was unforgiving:
Manny Being Manny No Excuse For Dissing Veterans
“He doesn’t want to visit with the president? Fine. That’s his prerogative. It’s not inconceivable that a few of those wounded veterans might not want to shake hands with the president, either.
And, while it’s interesting that Ramirez clearly considers himself to be special, that he obviously believes his obligations to the team are not the same as those of his teammates, that’s a problem for the Red Sox to deal with in the clubhouse, and as an organization. But turning his back on hospitalized veterans? That’s inexcusable and unforgivable. “

The satirical newspaper The Onion says, Manny actually was in DC, he just missed the big events: “Although Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez was present for the official team visit to the White House, he did not meet the president due to being preoccupied with rolling on the Rose Garden lawn and playing tug-of-war with Barney, the Bush family’s Scottish terrier.

Bill Burt writes in the Gloucester Daily Times that Manny being Manny is good enough for him:

“The only place Manny is expected to be is the No. 4 spot in the Red Sox lineup from late March through late October. He can leave trips to Washington, D.C., to the important people. “

I have to say that I agree with Donaldson. Missing the White House visit is one thing, but slighting the veterans is really disappointing. That’s Manny being Manny. Sometimes it makes you laugh, sometimes it pisses you off.

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