That’s Marian Gaborik, big free agent acquisition for the New York Rangers. I figure I should tell you a few things about him, since he’s been here in Minnesota for the better part of a decade, and, well, New Yorkers generally have no idea what Minnesota even is. (hint, it’s in America!)
Now, some fast facts about Gaborik
– Keeps to himself, and doesn’t really play to the media. I can’t think of a single commercial that I saw him in.
– Speaks broken English. It hasn’t really improved since he’s been here.
– Injured pretty much all the time.
– Suspected to play fairly half assedly if he’s not getting his way.
– Not really known as a good locker room guy
– Has literally done nothing to gain the spotlight out of hockey.
Yep, he’s a shoe in to be the most popular guy in New York!
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