Marlins Looking to Add Barry Bonds


He’s baaaaaaaaaaack! Almost.

Monday, Jon Heyman reported that the Miami Marlins were looking to add Barry Bonds as their new hitting coach.

“Team higherups have quietly been discussing this possibility for weeks,” Heyman wrote. “Bonds, known as a brilliant tactician, has worked as a special spring instructor for the Giants on occasion. It isn’t known whether he’s willing to move across the country for such a hitting coach job, but he has been working on brandishing his image and has a keen love of coaching.”

And, naturally, given the gigantic cloud of suspicion Bonds lives beneath…people had jokes.


First off…I’m pretty sure people don’t understand how performance enhancing drugs work. Next…Bonds as a hitting coach? It makes sense and, if bringing him in works half as well as the Chicago Cubs enlisting Manny Ramirez to help their young hitters…can you even imagine the guidance baseball’s home run king could provide?

Even though the Marlins ended up 71-91, they finished third in the National League East. That said…they finished near the bottom of the Majors is most of the major offensive categories.

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