Marty Brodeur and the Quest for 500 Wins

Marty Brodeur and the Quest for 500 Wins

Yet again last night, net minder Martin Brodeur was denied in his quest to obtain his 500th career win between the pipes. The New York Islanders not only kept Broduer from achieving this historic goal, but they also gave the AP writers another easy lead in to their game recap.

The Devils have now lost two in a row and three of four, as Brodeur still sits at 499 career wins. Tonight the team heads to Philadelphia in search of the illusive win, and many inside the organization are beginning to question it’s very existence. Will our heroes ever find Brodeur’s 500th win? Will the AP ever get a more creative headline for their recap? Does anyone really care? (Maybe, no and no.)

Answers to all these questions and more tonight in Philadelphia. Stay tuned. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

Ballhype – Marty Brodeur and the Quest for 500 Wins

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