Mavs Suck And Spurs Fans Are Loving It!

Way to go you fucking piece of shits Dallas Mavs! You got beat by an 8th seeded team when their best player was smoking you on one leg.
Your 67 wins in the regular season doesn’t mean shit. Go cry all you Mavs fans because your team showed they were over-hyped.
Dirk “Choke”wisky went 2/10 from the field! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Some fucking MVP he is and the Mavs will never win an NBA title as long as he is there.
Hey Cuban, have fun knowing your fucking pathetic Mavs team will be the bitch NBA team of Texas. Recap — Spurs got 3 titles, Houston has 2 titles and Mavs have a big fat ZERO titles.
A one-legged player, Baron Davis, fucking schooled Dirk, and when it was time for Dirk to step up he failed! He contributed nothing to help the Mavs! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if the Spurs lose to the Suns it would be against a quality team. Unlike the Mavs who came into the playoffs thinking it would be a cake-walk like the regular season.
And I don’t give a shit that AJ was once a Spur. He is the enemy now and I hope he is suffering big time over this embarrassing exit.
Mavs are the softest team in NBA history. Eat shit and die Mavs, Mavs fans and especially Cuban!

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