Melrose Visits Newark, Devils Fan Fights Ignorance with Ignorance

Melrose Visits Newark, Devils Fan Fights Ignorance with Ignorance

Newark certainly appears safe, but is it fun? This picture says no, but I’ve never been there so I am not one to judge.
Mike Derer/AP

Last Friday night (jeez am I late on this), the Mullet himself, Barry Melrose, took a tour of Newark before taking in a Devils’ game at the Rock. If you recall, there was a big hullabaloo about the comments Melrose had about Newark a while back. It caused such a stir, I even renamed the blog for a couple days.

As you can imagine, Devils’ fans were not too happy with Melrose and let him know it. Deservedly so. And then I saw this quote.

“What it said is it showed his ignorance on his part being an upstate New
Yorker,” Devils fan Matt Hughes said. “Not knowing what was going on and opening up his mouth before knowing all the answers to the questions.”

Great. Freaking great. Not only was Melrose being ignorant by trashing on Newark never having been there, but now some Devils fan is calling out upstate New Yorkers for being ignorant. Now I know there may be a lot of farms up there, but that doesn’t prove anything. This is the 21st century and I think we can all agree that there are certain factors which have no bearing on your IQ, place of birth being one of them.

It’s really pretty funny that where there’s ignorance, there’s apparently more ignorance. To be fair, I think that Matt Hughes should visit some schools and colleges in upstate New York and tell me that they’re all full of ignorant people. Visit Syracuse University, for example, and tell me that they’re all a bunch of ignorant hicks because they’re from upstate New York. Jeez. Some people.

Look, I understand why Devils fans jeered at him and heck, I would probably join in if I was one of them. Nonetheless, there’s simply no excuse for compounding ignorance with more ignorance.Oh yeah, and Melrose is from Saskatchewan, which is in CANADA. But to be fair, he does currently reside in upstate New York.
BallHype – Melrose Visits Newark, Devils Fan Fights Ignorance with Ignorance

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