Memo to fans going to today’s Brewers game

To: All Brewers’ fans lucky enough to go to Saturday’s NLDS playoff game versus Philadelphia
From: David Hannes
RE: Today’s game
Dear fans–
It is with heavy heart that I cannot be at today’s game. As someone who could not attend any of the 1982 games due to mid-terms and the like, I, like many of you, hoped throughout the season that I could watch the game in person; actually, I decided back in August that I wanted to hold out and go to an NLCS game. But after losing a pair in Philadelphia, that may not happen now.
So if you are going–or read this after you return–have fun. Start guzzling the Miller Genuine Drafts and the Sprecher’s at noon, if not earlier. Get the grill going with some brats or fresh kielbasa (either Usinger’s or Johnsonville), with some nice german potato salad…and, if so inclined, a nice hand-rolled cigar. The cold weather at Miller Park’s parking lot should remind you of the windy Opening Day at the start of the season, and how everyone wondered on that day if the Crew would have enough to make the postseason…now that dream has been realized. Take in Mr. Attanasio’s singing of the National Anthem, and Ueck throwing out the first pitch. Oh, and scream at the top of you lungs for the Brewers to score and win (and for the Cubs to lose, if so inclined)…the Brewers are now truly at the point where they need to win to stay alive…at least for the next three games. Remember that it could happen, as it did in 1982. But, also remember, baseball is a fickle game…and the professional baseball season in Milwaukee in 2008 can end in a blink of an eye. To that end, savor the 2008 Milwaukee Brewers…a team that gave us great hope and joy throughout the spring and summer. Oh, sure, a 2009 version will be reporting to Maryvale…but we all know it won’t be identical to the 2008 version…so take in this year’s team right now.

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