Merry Christmas from tBBC!!

We’ve given the staff some time to be with their families, and kicked them out of their basement with threats of lumps of coal in their stockings if they didn’t interact with “real people” for a change.

Merry Christmas from tBBC!!
Ho! Ho! I! O!

But before they stumbled off to enjoy the Roast Beast, we polled them all about their hopes and dreams for this season-

What do you hope that Santa brings the Buckeyes this Christmas?

James- In my football centric world, this time of year is all about finishing the 2013 football recruiting class with a bang.

Eric- I’d really, desperately, pleadingly wish that Santa would bring a decent shooting game for the Buckeyes.  I know Matta asked for something similar, but perhaps Santa will listen to a 2-for-1?  We need it so badly right now that I cannot even fathom how this team will survive the Big Ten season right now.

Janelle- I would really like Santa to bring the basketball Buckeyes a better shooting percentage. It has been painful watching them try to find an offense. For the football Buckeyes, I want him to bring top recruits.

Jason- I’d like to see Santa bring the Buckeyes a big time playmaker to compliment Braxton Miller. Maybe he’s already on the way in Ezekiel Elliot, maybe it’s somebody else. But I want our “Percy Harvin”. Someone that scares the daylights out of opponents like Ted Ginn Jr. used to.

WVaI have a simple request for good ol’ Saint Nick.I want him to bring the good fans of Ohio State a National Title. Dosn’t matter to me who gets it because I know football is coming. I believe Men’s Volleyball was last one.

Mali– There’s a part of me that would like to see Santa give the Buckeyes a version of Conan’s Christmas List, but we pretty much get that all year round. So, instead, I’m dreaming of a Christmas filled with character- that OSU athletes will continue to work to make the great state of Ohio proud, in the community, in the classroom, and wherever they find themselves this holiday season.

What about college sports fans- what should the Jolly Old Elf bring those good people?

James- Is it too much to ask for ESPN to stop being so atrocious at everything they do and become watchable again?

Eric- DEATH TO ESPN.  Oh, and cake.  Non-lie cake.

Merry Christmas from tBBC!!
Even Santa Hates TTUN

Janelle- I want Santa to deliver lumps of coal to the NCAA. Any questions?

Jason- I hope he brings us a losing (completely shut out to be more precise) bowl season for the SEC. I am no fan of the Irish and certainly not of TTUN, but these people must be stopped. What better time than now?

WVa- I want Santa to put a bunch of coal in the stockings of the delusional TTUN fans who think this is going to be like the ten year war. Hoke isn’t going to survive Coach Meyer.

Mali- Clarity of purpose. Perhaps St. Nick can work some magic in Indianapolis and elsewhere that addresses what we’ve talked about regarding people making bankloads of cash off of college students.  If not that, can we have an NCAA investigation into Alabama, please?

Ok, be selfish… what are you looking forward to under the tree?

James- I have my eyes on Grand Theft Auto 5 and the new Sim City… unfortunately neither comes out until the spring. So maybe some gift cards under the tree?

Eric- A shooting game for the OSU Basketball team?  No, I suppose I’m really interested in…well… … … … hmm… Guess I won’t be disappointed this Christmas.

Janelle- I realllllllllyyyy want an iPad.

Jason- For me personally? Kate Upton with a big red bow wrapped around her. Ok ok ok, seriously I’d like a Playstation 3. I haven’t had a gaming console for a while now, it’d be fun to kill terrorists again.

WVa- I want an IPhone 5 but alas I know I won’t get it because I evidently have been a baaaaaad boy. (ed. Wow. TMI, bro.)

Mali-  Well, they’re hard to come by with the Nike situation this year, but I’d love to see a John Simon #54 Ohio State jersey under the treeit was my college jersey number AND worn by one of the best examples of what Ohio State athletics is supposed to be.  To be fair, though- it’s been an amazing year, so my Christmas will be perfect if my daughters are happy.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We say this every year, and yet it remains as true each day as it was back in 2006: the greatest gift we’ve received today and every day is you- your eyeballs on our work. With all of the great online OSU sites, we’re amazed that you chose to trust us to influence your perception of your favorite team.

Merry Christmas from tBBC!!
(Partial) Staff Christmas Card Photo

So, for our “regulars” and the folks who check in via their RSS reader, for our Facebook and G+ and Twitter friends, for our great partners and sponsors, for the gang that joins the online sports bar that are the livechats, and for the other members of the BBN and Buckeye Blog-o-sphere who are both a blast to work with and great support for tBBC and all Ohio State fans, we are eternally thankful.

May this Christmas season be a blessing to you and your families as well.

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