Mets stomp Brewers, 12-4, in “The Game with the Fight”

Thursday’s 12-4 loss to the Mets could wind up as the most memorable game of the year for some players and fans–not for the action on the field, but for the antics in the clubhouse. Adam McCalvy of reported:

The skirmish happened at the end of a tunnel that connects the dugout to the home clubhouse and was captured by the Mets’ television crew. It was a confusing jumble of players and coaches that apparently started with a confrontation involving Yost and catcher Johnny Estrada and continued between Yost and infielder Tony Graffanino. In both instances, other players and coaches, including pitching coach Mike Maddux and bench coach Dale Sveum, served as shields to keep things from escalating further.

Heller & Murphy of ESPN 1070 in Madison had a recording of a fan stating that he had heard–from a bat boy–that the fight was about pitches called in the 7th, particularly the 0-2 pitch to Carlos Delgado that wound up hitting him, putting runners on first and second and, eventually, contributing to a 3-run 7th that gave the Mets an 8-3 lead. The fan claimed that Yost was upset with Estrada’s pitch calling (side note: someone, I forget who or where, told me that Yost and/or Maddux call the pitches). Regardless, the pitcher threw the pitches, making it sort of an excuse to vent frustrations. Chris Capuano continued his bad luck streak (McCalvy reminds us that the Brewers have lost the last 13 straight games that Capuano has started)…Thursday, Capuano lasted for 6 IP…while he fanned 8 and only walked 1, he also allowed 10 hits–2 for homers–lead to 5 runs, all earned, increasing his ERA to 4.86 on the year (and a 6.27 ERA since May 7, according to McCalvy); Carlos Villanueva followed Cappy, and also struggled, giving up 4 hits and 3 ER in 0.67 IP); Brian Shouse then stopped the bleeding, pitching a scoreless 1.33 IP, before Chris Spurling gave up 4 meaningless runs in the 9th. Conclusions: maybe Manny Parra, a lefty, ought to take Chris Capuano’s spot in the rotation…that would still leave a lefty in the rotation, a second lefty option in the bullpen with Cappy spending some time as a reliever…but both lefties and righties are each hitting over .300 against him. Anyway, today’s fight altercation brawl skirmish disagreement has the potential to either fire up the Brewers or serve as a catalyst for more finger pointing…only time will tell.

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