Michigan fans are still pretty pathetic

For well over two years, the following video has been on YouTube.  Note the creator of the video.

The above video “highlights” the college career of one Chad Henne, but more specifically, it “highlights” the fact that in four solid years of starting, Henne never once defeated the Ohio State Buckeyes. That, coupled with some hilarious music and lyrics, make for a fun little video.

Over the years I’ve had that video up, over a quarter of a million people have watched it, and some of them comment on it. Because I’ve been around YouTube for a while, I know that the comment section can get ugly in a hurry, so my personal policy is to delete any trollish comments, or anything that is generally an attack on my creation. Hey, my videos, my rules.

Therefore, I will see a comment or two per week that will be from a Michigan fan. Often times, it’s mindless talking points that try hard to deflect from that 0-4 record against Buckeyes. I get the email about a new comment posted. I read it. Deleted. User blocked. End of story.

Last night, Chad Henne actually won a game in the NFL. Suddenly, the woodworks are crawling with pathetic Michigan fans who believe that this makes Henne the greatest QB in the history of the universe. So far, they have tried to post the following;

  • Miami is now a playoff team (they’re 2-3, which puts them in a tie for 9th place in the AFC)
  • Henne is going to start the Pro Bowl this year
  • The song, the video, and the creator are all gay (but the user also demanded that I provide oral sex on him. Isn’t asking a guy to blow you make YOU the gay one?)
  • The score of the game was 31-17 (it was actually 31-27)

Allow me to properly respond.

  • Yes, Chad Henne looked good in his game last night.  Good for him.  However, the point of my video was that Chad Henne is a joke and will never defeat Ohio State.  As of this day, he still has never defeated Ohio State.
  • During the game last night, Henne’s passes were caught by nine different players….two of them were Buckeyes (Ginn and Hartline).  That sort of thing happened all the time when he was at Michigan, he’d throw to nine different players and two of them were Buckeyes.
  • On the play that won the game for Miami last night, Chad Henne was not on the field.  The coach took him out and let Ronnie Brown play QB.   All-world QBs get to be ON the field when the team has one last shot to win a game.  Miami decided that their best chance to win was WITHOUT a quarterback for that play.

Chad Henne is still a joke.

But at least now he has one NFL win.  Thats one more than his entire career against Ohio State.

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