Mike Lowell gets his four years — from the Yankees

CBS4’s Dan Roche has reported that Mike Lowell has an offer from the Yankees for four years and $56-60 million.

Two years ago, when Damon left for New York if you had told me Mike Lowell would be signing a contract with the Yankees for more than Damon, I would have laughed.

Yet, here we are.

Lowell, if he signs, would reportedly play first base for the Yankees. I think they should put Lowell at third and move A-Rod, but that’s just me.

If the Yankees want to make the same mistake they keep making (overpaying overpriced veterans)… then fine by me. If they want to play him at a position where he’s not as valued in a stadium where his pull-happy Monster shots settle into Manny’s glove, fine by me.

What I don’t understand is how Lowell is good enough for New York if he’s not good enough for Boston. Don’t you think our steadfast stance of only three years is an indicator to the Yankees much like our stance with Damon?

On the Lowell side… can’t blame him if he takes this. Come on — 34 years old, four year deal, $60 million, organization he came up with that’s one of two baseball powerhouses?

This is a guy who never said he wouldn’t sign with the Yankees (unlike Damon). He’s a pure class act, too. If he takes it, I hold no grudges whatsoever.

(Sure helps that this deal would hurt the Yankees more than it would help.)

Is this the impetus for the Sox to bow into Lowell’s demands? I hope not.

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